STATUS CODE 89: NetBackup could not allocate enough shared memory for backup buffer control on Solaris 10 media servers.

記事: 100030052
最終公開日: 2012-12-30
評価: 0 1
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


STATUS CODE 89: NetBackup could not allocate enough shared memory for backup buffer control on Solaris 10 media servers.


 The Status 89 is an OS error (ENOMEM) 

Status 89 error comes from one or more of the following
- Low shared memory limit (shmmax) 
- Low shared memory identifiers (shmmni) to track all of the memory segments being used. 
- Excessive NBU buffer sizes ( consuming resources to the limit of shmmni or shmmax ) 
- Excessive number concurrent job streams ( consuming resources to the limit of shmmni or shmmax ) 


Overview:  At times backups may exit with status code 89 reported on Solaris 10 media servers, even though ample memory is available on the system and a high shared memory ( shminfo_shmax ) setting has been configured  in the /etc/system file.

Log files:  
The bptm log files will show will show errors similar to the following at verbose level 1 or higher:
19:25:43.316 [9018] <16> mpx_setup_shm: could not allocate enough shared memory for backup buffer control, No space left on device
19:25:43.316 [9018] <2> send_brm_msg: ERROR 89
19:25:43.324 [9018] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 89 <----------


OS Kernel settings must be increased for 2 settings

Add the following 2 lines to the /etc/system file    (Reboot Required)

change the  xxxxxxxxxxxx  to a value determined below
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=2048
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=xxxxxxxxxxxx


* Adjust shmmax above to 50-80% of server ram
* To check Solaris server RAM size-     # prtdiag | grep Memory
* 17179869184 = 16GB value
* 34359738368 = 32GB value


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