Backup job fails with Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \Folder\Subfolder1 and its subdirectories.

記事: 100022811
最終公開日: 2011-06-07
評価: 0 3
製品: Backup Exec


Backup job fails with Directory not found error message.

Error Message

0xe000fe09 - The directory is invalid.
V-79-57344-65033 - Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \Folder\Subfolder1 and its subdirectories. 


This error occurs when objects in the backup selection lists (such as specific folders, specific files or specific virtual machines etc) have been renamed, moved, deleted or no longer exist since the selection its was created. 

For instance, if  Subfolder1 and Subfolder2 are selected in the backup selection list under "View by Resource", then  "View selection details" looks like this:

C:\Folder\Subfolder1\*.* /SUBDIR
C:\Folder\Subfolder2\*.* /SUBDIR

In case Subfolder1 is deleted after creating a selection list, then backup job may fail with this error.


Under "View by Resource", select only the main "Folder" in the selection list. As a result, under "View Selection Details"

C:\Folder\*.* /SUBDIR

Delete the include references to objects that no longer exist. (Note: an include reference is any line in this text view that does not contain /EXCLUDE)

As a recommendation try to base your selection list (inclusions) on container objects that are unlikely to change name. Also if there are objects that do not need backup protection then try building the selection list to include the top level container object and then exclude unwanted objects 

To do this, select the top level object and then deselect the unwanted sub folders etc from under "View by Resource" , and then when you review the "Selection Details" It looks like: 

C:\Folder\*.* /SUBDIR
C:\Folder\Subfolder3\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE
C:\Folder\Subfolder4\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE

The result will be the same as the first option but in this case the backup would not fail when a folder is renamed, deleted or moved and any new folders that are created will be automatically included (dynamic inclusion)



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