記事: 100016633
最終公開日: 2020-11-06
評価: 2 3
製品: Backup Exec
How to run the Backup Exec RALUS (Remote Agent for Linux and Unix Servers) in debug mode.
The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux and UNIX Servers (RALUS) can be started in debug mode to create a log file of its operations. The following commands must be executed while the user is logged on as
Note: Be aware that Linux and UNIX console are case and space sensitive.
Stopping RALUS
VRTSralus.init file can be used to stop the agent as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Viewing various debug options for RALUS
At the command prompt (#) browse to the directory
Type the command
./beremote --help
which will display all debug options (Figure 2)
Figure 2
Logging debug information to the console
Type the command
./beremote --log-console &
to start the agent in the debug mode and display all debug information on the console (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Logging the debug information to a file
Type the command
./beremote --log-file <file name> &
to start the Agent in the debug mode and log all debug output to a file which will be created in the current directory. As shown in Figure 4, the agent has been started in debug mode to log all debug output to a file called
Figure 4
Logging the debug information to the console and a file simultaneously
Type the command ./beremote --log-console --log-file <file name> & to start the Agent in the debug mode and log all debug output to the console and to a file.
Viewing the debug output
Type the command
vi <file name>
or less <file name> to view the debug output (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Increasing the logging level
In some cases, particularly when diagnosing connection issues, it may be necessary to increase the detail of the log file. This can be done by editing the /etc/VRTSralus/ralus.cfg file and changing the Software\
Veritas or
Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging\RANT NDMP Debug Level setting from zero to two. Please be aware that this greatly increases the size of the debug logs and should be reset to zero after the debug logging session has completed.
When this setting is used, it is typically useful to increase the same setting on the Backup Exec Media Server's
sgmon logging tool. This is done in
sgmon by going to the Settings menu. Then select the "Job Engine & Remote Agent" setting in the right hand pane of the window. Then change the
Engine NDMP debug level
Remote Agent NDMP debug level
to the "Verbose logging" setting. Again, this greatly increases the size of the debug logs at the media server and should be reset to the default of
Log NDMP errors
after the debug logging session has completed.