Desktop Laptop Option (DLO): User account privileges for various services and User privileges related issues

記事: 100013671
最終公開日: 2014-08-04
評価: 0 0
製品: Desktop Laptop Option


What user account privileges should be granted for various services?

Probable solutions for some common issues caused due to insufficient user privileges.



 User Account Privileges

The following table lists the user account privileges for various services:

Service User Account Privilege Description
Veritas DLO Administration Service Domain user or domain administrator This user should have local administrator privilege on both the admin server machine and storage server.
Veritas DLO Maintenance Service Local System account This account has access to all local system resources.
Mindtree StoreSmart Dedupe Server Service Domain user or domain administrator This user should have local administrator privilege on the admin server machine. This account should be the same as SQL Server service account.
SQL Server (SQL instance) Domain user or domain administrator This user should have local administrator privilege on both the SQL server machine and storage server.
SQL Server Browser Domain user or domain administrator This user should have local administrator privilege on the SQL server machine.


Post install user privileges related issues:

Issue Probable Solution
Veritas DLO Administration Service is not running or DLO Console fails to launch. SQL Server and SQL Server Browser Services should be running with Domain user/Administrator account. Both SQL service and Dedupe Server service should run with the same user account and the account under which the SQL Services are running should have sysadmin rights on the database.
Mindtree StoreSmart Dedupe Server fails to start. SQL Server and SQL Server Browser Services should be running with Domain user/Administrator account. Both SQL service and Dedupe Server service should run with the same user account and the account under which the SQL Services are running should have sysadmin rights on the database.
Not able to add the Dedupe Server and the following error message is displayed: “The Dedupe details you have entered is invalid or there is no Dedupe Server running at the specified location.” Both SQL service and Dedupe Server service should run with the same user account and the account under which the SQL Services are running should have sysadmin rights on the database.
If a different user account is provided for the SQL service, able to add Dedupe Server, but cannot manage the Dedupe Server. Both SQL service and Dedupe Server service should run with the same user account and the account under which the SQL Services are running should have sysadmin rights on the database.




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