How to move Backup Exec Catalogs to a different folder path

How to move Backup Exec Catalogs to a different folder path

記事: 100010605
最終公開日: 2023-05-16
評価: 4 0
製品: Backup Exec


By default, the Backup Exec catalogs are stored in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Catalogs

It may be necessary to move the catalogs to a different location due to disk space limitations or other issues. Backup Exec can be configured to use a different directory for the catalog files.

Veritas recommends the Backup Exec Utility be used to change the location where catalogs are stored. Backup Exec Utility provides the most direct method for moving catalogs to a new directory. For more information about using Backup Exec Utility to change the catalog location, refer to the topic "Setting the location for the job log and the catalogs" in the Backup Exec Utility User's Guide.

The directory in which catalogs are stored from the Backup Exec server can also be changed. When changing the catalog directory from the Backup Exec server, all Backup Exec services must be stopped first and manually copy any existing catalogs to the new catalog directory.



To change the directory in which Backup Exec catalogs are stored from the Backup Exec server, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Backup Exec button, select Configuration and Settings, and then click Backup Exec Settings.
  2. In the left pane, click Catalog.
  3. In the Catalog path field, browse to or type the new path in which to store catalogs.

    Note: The directory must exist in Windows. Create the directory using Windows Explorer before you type it in the Catalog path field.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Backup Exec button, select Configuration and Settings, and then click Backup Exec Services.
  6. Click Stop all services.
  7. Click OK.

    After stopping all Backup Exec services, manually copy all the catalog files from the old folder to the new one.

  8. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory in which the catalogs are currently stored.
  9. Copy all of the items in the folder, including any subfolders and all files.
  10. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory to which you want to move the catalogs.
  11. Paste all of the items into the folder.

    After any catalog files have been copied to the new directory, restart all Backup Exec services.

  12. Click the Backup Exec button, select Configuration and Settings, and then click Backup Exec Services.
  13. Click Start all services.
  14. Click OK.

Backup Exec will now use the new directory for any catalog operations. After a backup job has completed successfully, run a restore job to verify that the catalogs can be accessed from the new location. 



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