How to refresh the Virtual Machine cache list in NetBackup

記事: 100002103
最終公開日: 2019-11-01
評価: 1 1
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


How to refresh the Virtual Machine cache list in NetBackup 7.x, 8.x, and later versions.



The Virtual Machines cache list must be updated whenever a new VM is added, or when an existing VM is renamed.

  • From NetBackup Administration Console:
    1. Expand the Policies node.
    2. Select the appropriate VMware policy, then right-click and select Change.
    3. Click the Clients tab.
    4. Select the Browse and select Virtual Machine radio button. This will read from the existing cache and display a Last Updated time.
      Note: if Browse and select Virtual Machine radio button does not appear, click New and the Browser Virtual Machines popup will appear.
    5. Click the Refresh List icon Refresh List hoverover to the right of the Last Update: time. This will update the Virtual Machine list.
  • To refresh the list via command line on a Windows based VMware Backup Host:
    1. Open an Administrator: Command Prompt.
    2. Change to the NetBackup installation path.
      • install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\
    3. Run the following command to refresh the cache for VMware:
      • bpVMutil 0 NOCACHE 0
  • To refresh the list via command line on a UNIX/Linux based VMware Backup Host:
    1. Open a Command Line (SSH/PuTTy session).
    2. Change to the NetBackup installation path.
      • /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
    3. Run the following command:
      • bpVMutil 0 NOCACHE 0
  • To refresh the list for VIP (Vmware Intelligent Policy) VMware Backup host:
    1. Make sure no VMware backup is running.
    2. Move the content of below directory to different location:
      • Windows : install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
      • Linux :  /usr/openv/netbackup/online_util/fi_cntl
    3. Then test the query again from the VIP (Vmware Intelligent Policy) which will refresh the cache.
  • To refresh the list at the start of the next policy backup schedule window, from NetBackup Administration Console:
    1. Expand the Policies node.
    2. Select the appropriate VMware policy, then right-click and select Change.
    3. Click the Clients tab.
    4. Set Reuse VM selection query results for: to 0.
      With a setting of 0, NetBackup rediscovers the virtual machines and their configuration each time the policy runs.
    5. After the next backup schedule window concludes, reset the Reuse VM selection query results for: back to the default value of 8 hours.

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