Best practices for Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux | Backup Exec Best Practices | Backup Exec 22.1 Best Practices | Veritas™

Backup Exec 22.1 Best Practices

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Product(s): Backup Exec (22.1)
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Best practices for Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux

Best practices include tips and recommendations to help you use Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux (RMAL) effectively. For more information about the RMAL, see the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide.

The following best practices help you use the RMAL effectively:
  • Ensure that the storage device that is attached to the Linux server is supported. Also, confirm that the operating system can access the device before you start the RMAL.

    You can find a list of compatible devices at the following URL:

  • Ensure that a minimum of 500 MB of available storage space exists on the Linux server when you use the Tape Library Simulator Utility. The available space includes hard disk space, flash drives, and USB drives. If there is not enough space, the jobs fail with an end-of-media error. You must either create available disk space or you must direct the jobs to another volume, and then start the jobs again.

  • Add an RMAL from the central administration server if you use the Backup Exec Central Admin Server Option (CASO). You cannot add an RMAL from a managed Backup Exec server.

  • If you use the Shared Storage option when you add a RMAL, use the Linux server's hostname and not its IP address. If you use the IP address, the Backup Exec Database cannot distinguish which device path to use for jobs.

  • Only Microsoft Tape Format media are supported if you use an RMAL to restore data from the tapes that other applications create. Backup Exec does not support GRT-enabled backup and restore jobs targeted to an RMAL device.