How to recover the Backup Exec Database from the BEDB backup file

Articolo: 100019508
Data ultima modifica: 2022-11-10
Valutazioni: 0 1
Prodotto/i: Backup Exec


How to recover the Backup Exec Database from the BEDB backup file.


Below are the procedures needed to recover a Backup Exec database from BEDB backup file:

Warning: Following the procedure listed below will lose any current job and media information in the database and should only be carried out on stand alone media servers that are not using Central Admin Server option (CASO)


Note: Before performing this procedure a backup of database should be taken.

Stop the Backup Exec services

  1. Stop the SQL instance service
    • SQL Server (BKUPEXEC)
    • SQL Server (BKUPEXEC64) Backup Exec 22 and above
  2. Copy the Data, and Catalog folders to a different location
    •  C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Catalogs
    •  Or C:\Program Flies\Symantec\Backup Exec\Catalogs
  3. Start the SQL instance stopped in step 2, followed by the Backup Exec application services

Recoverying  the Backup Exec Database (BEDB.bak) 

1. Use Windows Explorer and browse to C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\

2. Double left click  BEUtility.exe

3. Click on 'All Media Servers' in the tree, select the server name in the right window.

4. In the task bar down the left side click 'Recover Database' under Database Tasks.

5. At the window displayed, select the option for 'Drop existing database and reload from backup' and click OK.

NOTE: This will then read and restore the BEDB.BAK file located in C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Data folder.

6. Assuming there are no errors once it completes, close the recovery window but leave BEUtility open.

NOTE: The Backup Exec services should have restarted.

7. Open Backup Exec again and check that the Jobs are displayed in the Job Setup tab and that Job history is listing completed jobs.


NOTE:  The BEDB.bak may require an encryption key in current Backup Exec versions. A matching .dek key is needed to access the Backup Exec database once restored or recover to open the Backup Exec console.

Refernce: 100015136 and 100001807


BEUTILTY Documentation


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