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"Access denied" is reported when selecting a remote selection in Backup Exec for Windows Servers (BEWS)
Articolo: 100016213
Data ultima modifica: 2014-07-18
Valutazioni: 0 1
Prodotto/i: Backup Exec
When using the appropriate account for backup, "Access denied" is reported when selecting a remote selection in Backup Exec for Windows Servers (BEWS)
When a remote system is selected, the user gets prompted to select a valid account through an "Access Denied" dialog box as shown in below:
This can occur when the Backup Exec Remote Agent service on the remote server is using a log-on account other than the "Local System Account."
In order to fix the problem, stop the Backup Exec Remote Agent service and change the "Logon Account" to be the "Local System Account" and then restart the services.
In order to fix the problem, stop the Backup Exec Remote Agent service and change the "Logon Account" to be the "Local System Account" and then restart the services.