NetBackup OpsCenter last release and transition to NetBackup IT Analytics FAQ

Article: 100052742
Dernière publication: 2024-05-29
Evaluations: 9 1
Produit(s): NetBackup IT Analytics, NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


The purpose of this document is to answer common questions regarding the last release of NetBackup OpsCenter 10.0 and the transition to NetBackup IT Analytics.

Documentation can be found here:  NetBackup IT Analytics Documentation

  • If you need assistance with licensing, what options are best for your environment, understanding the installation process, or need a better understanding of how NetBackup IT Analytics can benefit you.
    • Please reach out to your Veritas account team, they will be able to assist and engage with additional resources as needed.


Here are some common questions:

  1. What is the timeline for OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics last release and EOSL?
    • NetBackup 10.0 is the last NetBackup version to include NetBackup OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics.
    • OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics 10.0 EoSL (End of Support Life) will align with NetBackup 10.0 EoSL date. (For details refer
  2. What is NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation?
    • NetBackup IT Analytics (formerly APTARE) is the solution for NetBackup reporting and analytics. NetBackup IT Analytics 11.0 introduces a NetBackup only feature set specifically created to help customers transition from OpsCenter to NetBackup IT Analytics.
    • ‘Foundation’ feature set includes basic reporting, alerts, and dashboards for NetBackup and Backup Exec.
  3. Which NetBackup offerings include NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation?
    • NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation entitlement will be available for NetBackup customers on subscription offerings. It uses Front End Terabyte (FETB) as the meter to consume a license.
    • Foundation is not a separately sold offering. Customers with entitlements will see “NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation” in their VEMS portal and download the binary. Either a Windows or Linux binary is available.
  4. Would customers be able to run OpsCenter 10 and NetBackup IT Analytics 11 Foundation version simultaneously?
    • Yes, OpsCenter and NetBackup IT Analytics can be run simultaneously on separate servers allowing for customers to transition to NetBackup IT Analytics successfully. Additionally, it is advised to put new data into Analytics and OpsCenter in a frozen state for historical view only.
    • While there will be no new OpsCenter releases after 10.0, OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics will continue to be supported until EoSL is in alignment with EoSL for NetBackup 10.0.
  5. Do customers need an Oracle license for Foundation?
    • Customers who deploy NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation are responsible for purchasing and deploying Oracle Standard Edition 19C as a pre-requisite.
  6. Do customers need to purchase a separate, Oracle license as a pre-requisite for NetBackup IT Analytics Protection Suite, Storage Management Suite, or the Complete edition?

    • No. Except for NetBackup IT Analytics Shared Services Edition and NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation, NetBackup™ IT Analytics embeds an Oracle database. The embedded Oracle database license is a restricted license and may only be used or accessed in conjunction with NetBackup IT Analytics software.

  7. If a customer has a Foundation license, can they get any of the other advanced offerings?
    • Yes, advanced offerings, such as Protection Suite, Storage Management Suite, or Complete are available as paid offerings.
  8. Will Foundation be a separate UI?
    • It is the same NetBackup IT Analytics UI except for features available in Protection or Storage will not be visible.
  9. Will customers be able to manage NetBackup using Foundation?
    • Yes, NetBackup IT Analytics has a new feature in the 11.0 UI to launch the NetBackup Web UI for NetBackup management and configuration.
  10. What if my customer chooses to upgrade to NetBackup 10.1 or later, will OpsCenter still work?
    • OpsCenter 10.0 will be supported up to NetBackup 10.0. However, you will still be able to view the historical OpsCenter data.
  11. Will my OpsCenter data be migrated to NetBackup IT Analytics (ITA)?
    • No, OpsCenter data will not be migrated to NetBackup ITA. NetBackup ITA has the capability to fetch historical data based on backup images from the NetBackup catalog, so migration of OpsCenter data to ITA may not be required.
  12. Can I install and run Foundation on my existing OpsCenter Center Server?
    • Foundation must be run independently on its own device.
  13. Does Foundation have the same language support as previous APTARE offerings?
    • Yes, it will have support for English, French, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese languages.
  14. Can the NBU-related templates found on the Report Library be used in the Foundation License?
    • Yes, templates in the Veritas NetBackup and General category can be used. Reports in the General category of the Backup Manager reports listing can also be imported and used. 
    • There are some reports which may have a dependency upon the existence of a particular attribute, but – that caveat is true for all of NetBackup IT Analytics, not just Foundation.
  15. Which reports are available in the Foundation license?
    •  Foundation includes more than 90 out-of-the-box reports in the following categories:
      • System Administration Reports
      • Backup Administration Reports
      • Backup Policies Reports
      • Billing and Usage Reports
      • Forecasting & Capacity Planning Reports
      • Management Reports
      • Media Management Reports
      • SLA Reports
      • Storage Utilization Reports
  16. Since Foundation is a separate install package, would the customer have to install a new package if they upgrade from Foundation to Protection, Storage, or Complete?
    • All NetBackup IT Analytics offerings are controlled by licensing. Therefore, no new package installs are needed when upgrading to any of the advanced offerings.
  17. What happens if a Foundation customer is undergoing a proof of concept (POC) for Protection and the POC expires, does the application revert to Foundation? If so, what’s the impact on data collected from Protection?
    1. Once Protection POC expires, you must re-install the Foundation license. Any out-of-the-box reports that are specific to Protection will not be visible. However, custom reports that were created earlier on Foundation shall be visible.
    2. Data from Protection continues to exist in the database after the POC expires. Data purging rules drive the deletion of data from the database.
  18. Could you share a high-level comparison of OpsCenter and IT Analytics Foundation?

























18. Could you share a feature comparison for all NetBackup IT Analytics offerings?




























19. Do the Protection, Storage, and Complete editions have embedded Oracle Licensing?

  • This is dependent on the NetBackup IT Analytics SKU which is purchased. Oracle inclusion has not changed for each of the equivalent APTARE SKUs.                                       

20. What assistance are we providing to make the transition to Foundation easier for OpsCenter customers?

  • There are multiple short instructional technical ‘How-to’ videos to assist customers in installing, configuring, and using NetBackup IT Analytics Foundation. 



  • Topics covered include but are not limited to:
    • Oracle BYOO install ( Windows and Linux)
    • NetBackup IT Analytics install (Windows and Linux)
    • Setup NetBackup collector
    • UI navigation
    • Reports, Alerts, Dashboard
    • Setting up users and their permissions  
    • Troubleshooting 
  • A complete playlist of NetBackup IT Analytics can be found here. 

    21. Is support for Foundation included for NetBackup BCS customers?

  • Yes, support for Foundation is included for NetBackup BCS customers.

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