Exchange Information Store backup to Backup-to-Disk Folder fails with the error - Backup- \\Exchange\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group Database was not found, or could not be accessed

Article: 100029471
Dernière publication: 2017-12-09
Evaluations: 0 0
Produit(s): Backup Exec


A backup of an Exchange Information Store (IS) to a Backup-to-Disk Folder fails with the following error


Error Message

Backup- \\Exchange\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
Database was not found, or could not be accessed.
Database was not found, or could not be accessed.

In some cases, when a Backup Exec for Windows Servers Exchange IS backup with GRT (Granular Restore Technology) enabled is targeted to a Backup to Disk device, the job may fail with the following error: Backup- \\Exchange\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group Database was not found, or could not be accessed. 
This error can occur on full, differential, or incremental backup types. In addition to the failure, a debug of the local Remote Agent service will display one of the following errors:
-1022 There is a disk IO error.
-1811 The file was not found.
-1014 The database is out of page buffers.
-1019 There is a blank database page
- 4005 Read/Write access not supported on compressed files


One of the following can be performed to resolve this issue:

  1. This issue may occur if the IMG folder used to store GRT related data is being scanned by anti-virus software while the backup is running.
    To resolve this issue, exclude backup-to-disk folder location from avtivirus scan on local media server.
    Note: IMG folders are located in the root of the target Backup to Disk folder.
  2. The steps described in Microsoft KB article for Registry setting 1 will need to be applied to the Backup Exec media server.  
    Note: A reboot on the media server is required after making these changes.
  3. This issue can also occur if the drive which hosts the Backup-to-Disk folder is fragmented. A disk defragmentation will need to be performed for the backups to complete successfully.
  4. Exclude Backup Exec services files from the antivirus scan. The Backup Exec services files are located at 'C:\Program files\Symantec\Backup Exec\". The basic Backup Exec services are:
    • beremote.exe
    • pvlsvr.exe
    • beserver.exe
    • bengine.exe and
    • benetns.exe
  5. This issue may occur when backing up multiple Exchange databases with GRT enabled at the same time. If possible, separate the backup jobs so that each database backs up one at a time.
  6. Create a new Backup-to-Disk.
  7. Review the following Microsoft KB Article:
    Understanding and analyzing -1018, -1019, and -1022 Exchange database errors - 
If the error in the debug is followed by: "StopVirt FAILED!  RC = 1450 (0x5aa) - Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service", the following suggestions should be tried:
  1. For 32-Bit media servers with at least 1GB of RAM, the /3GB switch can be set in the boot.ini file on the Backup Exec media server. For more information refer to the link below:
  2. Due to how Backup Exec handles mapping the Exchange database in memory, some databases (typically large databases, or databases with a large amount of logs) require more virtual memory than a 32bit server can provide. These limitations can be avoided when using a x64 bit server, and as such may require Backup Exec to be installed onto a x64bit Windows server. 
    If the backup reports -4005 for compressed files even though the Exchange volumes are NOT compressed ( -4005 Read/Write access not supported on compressed files), running a backup of the Information Store with Granular Restore Technology (GRT) enabled to tape using VSS can resolve the issue.


To run the job using VSS, perform the following:

  1. In the Job Properties select "Advanced Open File" and select "Use Advanced Open File Option"
  2. Select "Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Services" from the drop-down list
  3. Select "System - Use Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider"


If the volumes ARE compressed, change the "Staging" location to an un-compressed drive:

  1. Launch Backup Exec console.
  2. From the menu bar, select Tools | Options | Backup
  3. Under Granular Restore Technology (GRT) section, change the path to a uncompressed drive.
    • If backing up to a Tape drive, change the path to an un-compressed drive on the Exchange server.
    • If backing up to a disk, change the path to an un-compressed drive on the media server.


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