How to stop and start the UNIX or LINUX Agent service (process).

Article: 100017909
Dernière publication: 2018-04-04
Evaluations: 3 5
Produit(s): Backup Exec


How to stop and start the UNIX or LINUX Agent service (process).


Sometimes for trouble shooting issues about the UNIX or LINUX agent, we need to restart the agent service on the particular UNIX or LINUX machine. This information can help to perform this action.

1.  To determine whether this process is running, from a command prompt type ps -ef | grep . This will tell you if the process is running.

2.  To end the process, type kill <pid> . This will stop the process (<pid> is the process identifier found in the first column.)

3.  To restart the service, you must change to the directory where the agent is installed.
     Type:   cd /etc/bkupexec (default location of the UNIX or LINUX agent, unless specified otherwise during install).
     Then type:  ./ &   ( This will restart the service, the "&" sign is to specify the agent to run in the background).


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