How to change the default port used by the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS).

Article: 100016014
Dernière publication: 2023-11-01
Evaluations: 5 4
Produit(s): Backup Exec


How to change the default port used by the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS).


When a media server makes a connection with a remote system, the initial connection will be initiated on NDMP port 10000. The Remote Agent will be listening for connections on this pre-defined port.


In some situations, if a conflict arises with the default NDMP port 10000, i.e. if port 10000 is used by another application or service and the Backup Exec Job Engine service is unable to establish a connection, the default port can be changed to another port number by modifying the services file located under <systemroot>\System32\Drivers\etc. Here, change the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) port to an alternate port number (Figure 1 and Figure 2).

Figure 1 
Figure 2

To change the port to 9000, add an entry in the services file as follows: 

  ndmp 9000/tcp #Network Data Management Protocol

After adding the entry in the services file, save the file and restart Backup Exec services on the media server and Remote agent service on the particular remote server.

Note: The steps given above must be performed on each remote machine being backed up, where port 10000 had a conflict. 



Additionally, if there is a need to set the dynamic port range on Backup Exec, follow these steps:

To set the dynamic port range, perform the following:

  1. Click the Backup Exec Button

  2. Click Configuration and Settings | Backup Exec Settings

  3. Click Network and Security

  4. Select the Enable TCP dynamic port range check box

  5. Specify a range of 25 or more ports. Sometimes, more ports will increase the backup performance.


Figure 3.


    Agent Specific Notes:

    1. When using the Enterprise Vault agent for Backup Exec and server aliases are being used, the Backup Exec server NDMP port must match the NDMP port setting on any server that has an alias.  This is because a server typically advertises its NDMP port to the Backup Exec server but in the case of an alias, the alias name is not advertised.

    2. When using the Sharepoint Agent and the Sharepoint farm is configured with multiple servers, the Sharepoint farm servers much all have matching NDMP ports.  This is because during Sharepoint backups, there are network connections made from the Sharepoint SQL Agent for Windows (AWS) to each of the Sharepoint Application and/or Front End Web Servers.


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