How to remove NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) configuration from a NetBackup environment

Article: 100004810
Dernière publication: 2023-11-14
Evaluations: 19 6
Produit(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


Steps to remove NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) configuration from a NetBackup environment

Warning: These steps will expire all images associated with the MSDP that is to be removed!

Note: All commands are located in the admincmd directory unless mentioned otherwise:
Unix/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
Windows: <install path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd

Ensure a full backup of the NetBackup catalog has completed successfully before proceeding with next steps. Subsequent steps walk the administrator through deleting the Storage Lifecycle Policies (SLP), Storage Units (STU), and Image references in the NetBackup Catalog.

  1. Ensure backup policies do not target the MSDP STU to be decommissioned, either directly from the policy or indirectly using SLPs.
  2. Either delete the SLP or update the SLP such that they do not target the MSDP disk pool to be decommissioned.
  3. Use the nbstlutil command to cancel processing on any image copies that may be targeting the MSDP disk pool to be decommissioned.
  4. Expire only the images from the catalog that reside on the MSDP Disk Pool to be removed.
  • From the NetBackup administration console, expand NetBackup Management, select Catalog, choose 'Verify' from the Action selection list, choose 'PureDisk' from the 'Disk type' selection list, and the 'disk pool name' from the 'Disk Pool' selection list.
  • Set the start date to a value to accommodate the oldest images on the MSDP pool, and click 'Search Now'.
  • Select all the images found, right-click and click 'Expire' to mark that particular image copy as Expired.
  • Allow the NetBackup 'Image Cleanup'-type jobs to complete; this marks the data for removal from the MSDP storage.
Some additional steps may be needed if the following error is received during image expiration. This typically occurs if SLPs are utilized.

NetBackup status code: 1573
Message: Backup image cannot be expired because its SLP processing is not yet complete
Explanation: You tried to expire one or more copies of an SLP-managed image. The SLP processing that depends on those copies is not complete. The image cannot be expired.

Recommended Action: Do one of the following:

  • Wait until SLP processing for that image is complete, then retry the expiration operation.
  • Use the nbstlutil -cancel command to cancel further processing on the relevant image. Then retry the expiration operation.
  • Add the -force_not_complete option to the bpexpdate command to force expiration even if the image-copy is not SLP complete.
Use the parameter -notimmediate if there are multiple images to be deleted. To expire a single backup image, execute as follows.
bpexpdate -backupid <backup_image_id> -d 0 -M <Master_server_name> -force_not_complete

To expire ALL backup images on the disk pool, execute:
bpexpdate -stype PureDisk -dp MSDP_DiskPoolName -force_not_complete

Proceed once all the backup images associated on the disk pool to decommissioned have been expired from the NetBackup catalog and Image Cleanup job has completed successfully on this MSDP disk pool.
  1. Delete any SLPs that target the MSDP as a destination. Alternately, update the SLP to remove the MSDP storage unit as a target/destination from all versions of the SLP. Review all SLP versions using the command:
    nbstl -L -all_versions

Note: If the ' CLEANUP_SESSION_INTERVAL_HOURS' SLP parameter has not been altered on the master server, old SLP versions may exist 14 days (default) after a new SLP version is created. 
  1. Delete any storage units that target the MSDP disk pool.
  2. Clean out the expired images using nbdelete and bpimage commands.

nbdelete -purge_deletion_list -media_id <@aaaaX>  ***
bpimage -cleanup -allclients

*** Note: To find the media id, run: nbdevquery -listdv -stype PureDisk and replace <@aaaaX> with the media ID.

  1. Mark the Disk Pool state as DOWN using nbdevconfig command.

nbdevconfig -changestate -stype PureDisk -dp MSDP_DiskPoolName -dv PureDiskVolume -state DOWN

  1. Locate the NDMP machinetype entry corresponding to the MSDP storage server to be decommissioned from the output of the following command from the master server:

nbemmcmd -listhosts

  1. Delete the MSDP Disk Pool from under Devices > Disk Pools in the NetBackup Administration Console.

  2. Delete the storage server credentials, storage server and the storage server NDMP machinetype entry from the EMM database using the following commands:

tpconfig -delete -storage_server MSDP_StorageServerName -stype PureDisk -sts_user_id root

Note: The tpconfig command is located at:
Unix/Linux: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
Windows: <install path>\Volmgr\bin\

The remaining commands are executed from the admincmd folder.

nbdevconfig -deletedp -stype PureDisk -dp MSDP_DiskPoolName
nbdevconfig -deletests -storage_server MSDP_StorageServerName -stype PureDisk
nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename MSDP_StorageServerName -machinetype ndmp

Note: The above tpconfig and nbdevconfig commands may fail if the storage server and NDMP credentials (i.e. 'machinetype' entry) were previously deleted from the NetBackup Administration Console/GUI. Continue to the next step.

  1. Stop NetBackup services on the MSDP server.

  2. Execute the PDDE_deleteConfig script to remove the MSDP configuration on MSDP server: 

Unix/Linux: /usr/openv/pdde/pdconfigure/scripts/installers/
Windows: <install_path>\Veritas\pdde\PDDE_deleteConfig.bat

  1. Remove any storage server configuration files referencing the MSDP storageserver from NetBackup media servers. The configuration files (named MSDP_StorageServerName.cfg) are located in the ost-plugins folder.

Unix/Linux: /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins
Windows: <install-path>\NetBackup\bin\ost-plugins

Note: If there are other fingerprint load balancing media servers in the configuration, the storage server configuration file MSDP_StorageServerName.cfg should be removed from the ost-plugins folder of those media servers as well.

  1. Delete the deduplication storage directory (and deduplication database path, if any).

Note: If this is a NetBackup appliance, do not delete /disk folder. It is easier to perform a Factory Reset when working on an appliance; for more details see the Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Administrator's Guide.

  1. Start the NetBackup services/processes

This concludes the removal of MSDP storage server and associated deduplication configuration files from a NetBackup media server. To reconfigure MSDP Storage again, re-run the Configure Disk Storage Servers wizard from the Administration Console.

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