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Artículo:: 100048881
Última publicación: 2022-05-19
Clasificaciones: 2 3
Producto(s): Backup Exec
Tips and recommendations to help you install Backup Exec more effectively.
New Backup Exec Installation
- Review the System requirements for the latest version of Backup Exec.
- To install Backup Exec on Windows 2008 R2 Operating System. Please refer to the following Technote 100047607.
- Backup Exec's space requirements vary depending on usage and installed options. The requirements in the Administrator's Guide do not include space estimates for the Simplified Disaster Recovery files, catalogs, or job logs, for example.
- Review the "Features or requirements no longer supported by Backup Exec" section of the readme and Backup Exec Software Compatibility list (SCL).
- Review the Readme document and Documentation Addendum for updates to the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide.
- Confirm Operating Systems and Agent Options are supported and compatible with the Environment Backup Exec will be installed in. (SCL - Software Compatibility List)
- Confirm tape device hardware Compatibility (HCL - Hardware Compatibility List)
- Ensure that the most recent version of Microsoft.NET framework is installed on the computer on which you want to install Backup Exec. Installing the .NET framework expedites Backup Exec's installation process. Install the latest version of .Net framework 4.x supported by the Operating System version (Recommended).
- Run Microsoft Windows update. Reboot may be required.
- Restart the server to resolve any pending restarts that are required for system updates.
- Download the latest Version of Backup Exec installation media and Backup Exec licenses.Backup Exec Installation media software can be accessed from the Dashboard, Entitlements, and Downloads using Veritas Downloads Center or the Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) Licensing Portal. To access VEMS, click the Veritas Support ‘Licensing’ option. Veritas Entitlement Management System Guide
- Logon to the server as the Backup Exec System Logon Account (BESA) during the installation. The BESA account is the account that will be used to run the Backup Exec services and perform backups. Reference: What rights does the Backup Exec service account need? How to setup user rights/permissions for Backup Exec Service Account (BESA) for Exchange backups.
- Temporarily Disable Windows Defender, Antivirus Software, Endpoint Security, and DLP software during installation.
- Disable UAC (Recommended during Installation).
- Install Backup Exec to a drive that is neither compressed nor encrypted if you use SQL Express for the Backup Exec Database.
- Run the installation wizard from the local server, from a DVD image on the local server. (Recommended) Note: Ensure that the path to the Backup Exec installation media does not exceed 60 characters. If the Backup Exec installation media is on a network share or in a custom folder that exceeds 60 characters, the installation may fail. To resolve this issue, shorten the path name or move the installation media to the root of the drive on the local system, and then run the installation again.