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NetBackup CloudPoint Hotfix ( - VTS23-011 Security Advisory
This hotfix contains Security fixes for NetBackup CloudPoint
To know more about the security fixes included, refer VTS23-011 advisory link
1. Take backup of the complete data of /cloudpoint at a different location
2. Upload the new build:
3. Load images
For Docker environment
# sudo docker load -i VRTScloudpoint-docker-
For Podman environment
# tar -xvzf VRTScloudpoint-podman-
# ./
4. Run the following command as root to install
For docker:
docker run --rm -it -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint:<installed_cp_version> stop
docker run --rm -it -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: install
For podman
#podman run -it --rm --privileged -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint:<installed_cp_version> stop
#podman run -it --rm --privileged -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: install
If the CloudPoint host is behind a proxy server, use the following command instead:
For docker:
docker run --rm -it -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -e VX_HTTP_PROXY=<http_proxy_value> -e VX_HTTPS_PROXY=<http_proxy_value> -e VX_NO_PROXY=<no_proxy_value> -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: install
For podman:
#podman run -it --rm --privileged -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -e VX_HTTP_PROXY=<http_proxy_value> -e VX_HTTPS_PROXY=<http_proxy_value> -e VX_NO_PROXY=<no_proxy_value> -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: install
1. Before applying this patch please make sure that there aren't any active snapshots created by NetBackup and make sure to complete all the snapshots/backup before applying this patch.
2. Please make sure that you protect the /cloudpoint directory from the CloudPoint host on regular basis. This is required in a disaster recovery situation.
3. Roll back to the previous version if needed.
a. Log in to CloudPoint host
b. Run the following commands as root.
For CloudPoint server with docker based installations:
#docker run --rm -it -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: stop
Restore the data that we backed of /cloudpoint in the cloud point host in /cloudpoint
#docker run --rm -it -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint:<previous_cp_version> install
For CloudPoint server with podman based installations
#podman run -it --rm --privileged -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: stop
Restore the data that we backed of /cloudpoint in the cloud point host in /cloudpoint
#podman run -it --rm --privileged -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock veritas/flexsnap-cloudpoint: <previous_cp_version> install
Note: For proxy refer the command in the installation steps
4. The previous version(s) of Docker/Podman container images are not removed. You can remove them to save your CloudPoint instance disk space.
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |