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NetBackup 8.3 HotFix - Upgrade of OpenSSL on Windows Clients (ET 4022116)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 4022116
Version: NetBackup 8.3
Installation Location: Server (Clients)
Problem Description:
Upgrade of OpenSSL on Windows NetBackup clients to address vulnerabilities
Problem Description:
Upgrade of OpenSSL on Windows NetBackup clients to address vulnerabilities
Installation Instructions:
Please follow the EEB Installer instructions
Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer
How to install client EEB's with VxUpdate
Zip File Package Contents:
Checksums for all files (cksum):
File Checksum Byte count
AMD64/atutil.exe 3502085270 3617792
AMD64/authntdomainc.dll 153425330 1844736
AMD64/libnbssl.dll 2550021360 2529792
AMD64/nbinstallagent.exe 2361780760 1850368
AMD64/vrtsat.dll 3203829897 3434496
AMD64/vrtsat_t.dll 673703534 3442688
AMD64/vssatbin.exe 1076453649 1518080
AMD64/vssregctl.exe 669071853 1947136
AMD64/vxsslcmd.exe 1628487606 3088856
Recommended service state:
Stop all NetBackup services before applying this hotfix.
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |