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HotFix to support Flex Appliance 5250 D-series Storage Shelf

HotFix Critical


HotFix to support the new D-series Veritas 2U12 Storage Shelf for Flex 5250 Appliance models with software version 2.1.1


Install this hotfix on a Veritas 5250 Appliance to use the new D-series Veritas 2U12 storage shelf.
This hotfix is supported on Flex Appliance 2.1.1 and is required before you can use the new storage shelf. 

Note: This hotfix must be reinstalled after a reimage or a factory reset. If the appliance was updated to version 2.1.1 before the reimage or the factory reset, make sure that you update it again before you install the hotfix.



Applies to the following product releases

Update files

File name Description Version Platform Size