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Backup Exec 16 FP2 Hotfix 506023
This hotfix contains critical fixes for Backup Exec 16 Feature Pack 2
Affected versions
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 x64bit Media Servers
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 32bit Agent for Windows Servers
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 x64bit Agent for Windows Servers
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 x64bit Remote Administration Console
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers (32bit Linux Platforms) - BERMALS
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers (64bit Linux Platforms) - BERMALS
- Backup Exec 16 revision 1142 Feature Pack 2
- Backup Exec 16 Revision 1142 Hotfix 1644
- Administrative privileges are required to install this hotfix.
Post requisites
- A full backup is recommended after installing this Hotfix.
- Remote Agent for Windows Servers will need to be updated after installing this Hotfix.
- Remote Agent for Linux/Unix/Macintosh Servers (RALUS/RAMS) will need to be updated after installing this Hotfix.
Issue(s) resolved
Hotfix includes the resolution for console crashes after installing .NET Framework 4.8 as described in Article 100045500
Uninstalling this hotfix
Warning: This hotfix cannot be uninstalled.
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |
Knowledge base
Backup Exec console crashes after installing .NET Framework 4.8.
2023-12-01Problem After installing .NET Framework 4.8 on the Backup Exec media server , the Backup Exec console crashes when starting, as shown in Figure 1 . This issue is also observed on servers or workstations with the Backup Exec Remote Administration ...