Translation Notice
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NetBackup 10.1 - MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle (Etrack 4091734)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 4091734
Problem Description: NetBackup 10.1 MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle
Version: NetBackup 10.1
Installation Location: Media Server, Client
If client side deduplication is used, this EEB should be installed on the client and MSDP server. All servers that are MSDP storage pools or can write to a MSDP storage pool should also have this EEB installed.
This Hotfix contains multiple Emergency Engineering Binaries which fix problems with MSDP Servers, NetBackup Appliances, and Flex Appliances.
Fixes Included in this NetBackup 10.1 MSDP EEB Bundle:
ET 4089931: fix overlapped extent issue caused by XFS mapping
ET 4087672: workaround for mount namespace or selinux in container for snapshot/ushare backup
ET 4092028: read loop dev flag from env file
ET 4083906: don't continue to do backfill if the data container is missing
ET 4078904: Unable to duplicate some images back to MSDP from DD
ET 4088425: Use more work threads in recovery mode
ET 4089240: Compaction check hang in case of data error
ET 4091847: support a special AIR case of multi-domainTarget server has a hostname alias
ET 4085570: Add HSTS to spws responses
ET 4087781: use shorter keepidle value to prevent TCP connection drop
ET 4093349: Added DC_INIT_MODE_DCSCAN into init mode to avoid it to access spoold's data store.
ET 4089477: fix create instant access VM fail on vphere8.
ET 4093558: change NFS world-readable vulnerability for UShare in Flex
ET 4098741: Fix excessive KMS logging in parseStream4KMS.
ET 4098505: dir track list is too big caused the performance issue and backup failure
ET 4098239: set keepalive value at server side
ET 4092575: Fix air target issue: already existed target is disallowed.
ET 4097535: See lock contention between the Backfill thread and the fuse_do_work thread
ET 4097370: After restart vpfsd, some contents on one NFS share could be accessed on other NFS share unexpectedly.
ET 4096253: Ushare created before apply EEB backup failed at second time retry meet error network connection broken
ET 4096408: MSDP cloud LSU cannot be deleted after upgrade
ET 4093551: change NFS world-readable vulnerability for UShare in Flex
ET 4086305: try both ipv4 and ipv6 addr for vmtools
ET 4106034: Properly handle .map files after CloudCatalyst to MSDP cloud migration
ET 4100110: enhancement for mssql vld segmentation
ET 4097542: Instant access VM cannot power on after worm container relocate to another node
ET 4091148: backport fixes1
ET 4103255: Oracle copilot ushare support multiple vpfs instance
ET 4099112: Fix cata2map uid/gid overflow issue
ET 4106393: Should delete local container files after doing cloud compaction recovery
ET 4109857: UShare dump hang and got ERRORs in vpfsd logs, seems that there is deadlock issue
ET 4109883: Fix circular wait locks issue
ET 4108993: Refresh nodes' mode in the phase of protecting DO before job finished
ET 4109502: file rename operation is not handled correctly for rsync
ET 4109506: back port ushare backup fix to 10.1.1 EEB bundle
ET 4108752: UShare hang during dumping data
Porting fix of ET4107549, make startpoint always be first connection of 'current/new' set of connections
Porting fix of ET4106732, in vpfsd some place doesn't flush bin file after writing SO
ET 4104583 4100088: Back port data integrity enhancement for vpfsd running on cloud LSU1
ET 4108120: write error is not correctly handled for the bloom filter
ET 4106538: empty POs were not deleted for vpfsd and it caused file leak
ET 4107492: if vld is enabled for ushare, sqlpackage extract action will fail if output file is saved on ushare
ET 4099245: Add runtime permission check and refuse to work in case of incorrect permissions
ET 4110248: Use big compaction check batch size to improve performance
ET 4112037: AzureSQL backups hung. Ushare is not accessible
ET 4111794: master spad query local IRE queue.
ET 4111708: malware scan 50 millions files hang due to cata2map hang with race condition of background space monitor thread
ET 4112641: vpfs writes file reported IO error
ET 4111420: Fix a regression issue in cata2map when analyzing windows stream data
ET 4112721: Create aws or minio cloud failed in Disk volume with the specified name already exists. But disk volume name not used
ET 4112849: vpfsd reported EEROR message: Failed to open env for db
ET 4104646: MSDP - WORM - Orphan Image Cleanup - Compliance Mode
ET 4100193: do not close the image immediately incase it used by other thread
ET 4114274: fail to mount vpfs may reset the file change list
ET 4112641: vpfs writes file reported IO error
ET 4112849: vpfsd reported EEROR message: Failed to open env for db
ET 4110390: MSDP API supports to add, delete and list samba user in AD mode
ET 4112938: Fix incorrect permissions for history directorymsdpsvc:users -> msdpsvc:pduser
ET 4112773: Add retries to VxFS VX_SETEXT ioctl on failure if errno is EINTREINTR indicates that the system call was interrupted by a signal
ET 4114208: Retry EINTR failure from fstatfs for VxFS
ET 4111955: Forced compaction doesn't work if there are a lot of data in MSDP
ET 4112037: AzureSQL backups hung. Ushare is not accessible
ET 4112377: support to stop backfill with signal
ET 4114201: BackupIoRequest::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device, Operating system error 59(An unexpected network error occurred.)
ET 4115681: copilot umount snapshot may cause primary share into bad status
ET 4114934: enable direct IO with bdev for rhel8+ and all container based platforms
ET 4116266: skip file group deletion while ushare backup snapshot is being used to prevent potential data corruption
ET 4112745: Load the config for cloud WORM storage before check the status
ET 4115411: PDSTS: impl_write_image: max image size exceeded (51200 MB)
ET 4099530: Download CC tmp/.keydict file during migrationUpload CC tmp/.keydict file during migration to MSDP cloud
ET 4117163: don't load lmdb file to get extent map, open it instead
ET 4116660: ushare backup image could be marked as corrupted wrongly if file's offset 0 has more than one dcid, only first dcid will be flush
ET 4116165: MSDP-7089 dedupe shell ActiveDirectory configuration fixes
ET 4118349: backup and background task deadlock
ET 4118480: usharecli read all OST image from C1F1, C1F2, C1F3 ... C1FX, not just read the first C1F1 image
ET 4118521: stop backfill while taking snapshot
ET 4119452: After ushare backup, loop device might be hold by mtstrmd and other processes and could not release
ET 4118121: add try catch for file system release
ET 4120242: cleanup ushare backup snapshot copies may cause memory leak
ET 4118676: fix a few issues on cata2map and lmdb
ET 4091544: Fix race condition between prefetch and umount
ET 4125603: Add engine down check to improve scache hookup performance
ET 4096276: Fix Acc backup fail in upgrade case.
ET 4085562: Fix memory leaks
ET 4122085: fix high memory issue for 10.1
ET 4124651: Utility to recover (DR) from Azure soft deletion in case NBU/MSDP catalogs are gone by mistake
ET 4132111: Too many logs in online check log files
ET 4128845: Spad hang due to lock leak
ET 4118234: Close dc data file to clean up the open files and free memory.
ET 4131754: If users touch compaction.all in mount point and trigger force full compaction, add a log message to indicate the full compaction has been started.
ET 4130976: Close the DC iterator when all entries are accessed
ET 4130860: Fix oracle copilot with ushare backup from snapshot fail with status 40/6 issue (errno 9 when dump file's SO list)
ET 4130738: file path may be missing while rename a file in UShare
ET 4127761: snapshot may mount incorrect head volume
Version 11 Adds:
ET 4104218: Media Write Error(84)
ET 4138610: Media Server instance off-line due to /mnt/nbdata run out of inodes
ET 4126907: compaction needn't call loadIndexFromContainer() if s-p cache is enabled
ET 4133919: Verify the podb.journal in msdpcldutil.
ET 4128953: spoold's loopback noblocking socket stop work in windows 2019
ET 4096276: Fix Acc backup fail in upgrade case.
ET 4085562: Fix memory leaks
Installation Instructions:
Please follow the EEB Installer instructions below.
Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer
Installing EEBs/Add-ons on a NetBackup Flex Appliance
How to install client EEB's with VxUpdate
How to Add a VxUpdate file (SJA) to a Flex-based NetBackup Primary Server (
Binary Package Contents and checksums for all files (cksum):
File | Checksum | Byte count |
AMD64/cacontrol.exe | 3284394004 | 122368 |
AMD64/catdbutil.exe | 3570308272 | 2503680 |
AMD64/crcontrol.exe | 1155902053 | 182272 |
AMD64/crstats.exe | 100974717 | 39936 |
AMD64/dcr.dll | 51035405 | 1346048 |
AMD64/dcscan.exe | 1213846505 | 3089920 |
AMD64/dct.dll | 208857756 | 613376 |
AMD64/dedupecatutil.exe | 822536787 | 409088 |
AMD64/filedel.exe | 3986512972 | 23040 |
AMD64/fileget.exe | 3377186342 | 31744 |
AMD64/fileput.exe | 2376675732 | 37888 |
AMD64/keydictutil.exe | 3583154931 | 333824 |
AMD64/libstspipd.dll | 1815124714 | 713216 |
AMD64/metab.dll | 3746692828 | 261120 |
AMD64/mtstrmcl.dll | 4138252078 | 1071104 |
AMD64/mtstrmco.dll | 2218541856 | 124928 |
AMD64/mtstrmctl.exe | 498180189 | 1137152 |
AMD64/mtstrmd.exe | 125687583 | 1601024 |
AMD64/pdcfg.exe | 1731172609 | 226304 |
AMD64/pddecfg.exe | 3112144950 | 41984 |
AMD64/pddeDR.exe | 527443679 | 131584 |
AMD64/pd.dll | 4070268965 | 48640 |
AMD64/pdregister.exe | 1274387396 | 351232 |
AMD64/pdvfs.dll | 498818255 | 481792 |
AMD64/refdbutil.exe | 2730476935 | 3038720 |
AMD64/rep.dll | 2495993875 | 284672 |
AMD64/seedutil.exe | 2726319939 | 61952 |
AMD64/sodupescanner.exe | 1104662332 | 32768 |
AMD64/spadb.exe | 3056120923 | 444928 |
AMD64/spad.exe | 4117680931 | 3199488 |
AMD64/spauser.exe | 141851722 | 509952 |
AMD64/splogscan.exe | 4206138933 | 56320 |
AMD64/spoold.exe | 869756997 | 2998272 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/appdbutil | 4220429475 | 3984392 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cacontrol | 202013972 | 161984 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cata2map | 3033170865 | 1606504 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/catdbutil | 3726415484 | 4340272 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3898692810 | 419728 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crcontrol | 3630124481 | 350784 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crstats | 4133895729 | 59368 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dcscan | 1658845300 | 4827912 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dedupecatutil | 927340829 | 685392 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4240269488 | 644112 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/filedel | 2024601746 | 46776 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileget | 2995376123 | 57768 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileput | 4038648208 | 66040 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1392285195 | 607880 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1779462020 | 426560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fpindexscan | 4112827255 | 4560392 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/handlehelper | 2154573571 | 65464 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/imgio_test | 2275329268 | 98272 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3870377584 | 367976 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/keydictutil | 3973993190 | 589712 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3787658052 | 170888 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3516304397 | 2998704 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 251416344 | 237016 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3076067506 | 1523560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 160141201 | 74344 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1671006271 | 455928 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3409993010 | 259384 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2873499585 | 455872 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 73533277 | 837552 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2220521656 | 270112 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3941068571 | 262920 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2314458277 | 116544 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2916432939 | 789288 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 870022557 | 160640 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 633445256 | 17584 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1184233487 | 564128 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2334186421 | 298560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1867200552 | 1342928 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4077602184 | 116792 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1555406963 | 303840 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 725534744 | 598448 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2875150853 | 1223616 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 684017384 | 511608 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2960485301 | 4054608 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2205495086 | 729800 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1927306631 | 199896 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4073287290 | 960408 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3591461134 | 1658832 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3447794222 | 5194720 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1679283913 | 225632 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3525902927 | 28672 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3174650477 | 402168 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3141815981 | 188328 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2395949109 | 514144 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2320057847 | 155248 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/meta_tlog_dump | 2655052263 | 99304 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3946483446 | 388336 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmctl | 2036476302 | 669640 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmd | 3499195353 | 1581840 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/nbapiutil | 3787568132 | 174440 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdcfg | 477271652 | 214984 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdconf | 2334048022 | 40864 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddecfg | 3336377516 | 54856 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddeDR | 1673139420 | 137584 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdregister | 3121624704 | 532376 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1512352968 | 608 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refdbutil | 42933329 | 4740616 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refimage_util | 3208925080 | 36368 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/scsi_inq | 1999611379 | 42312 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/seedutil | 1616595452 | 98288 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2354717891 | 485032 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1356399796 | 64608 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/sodupescanner | 3518581428 | 50520 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spad | 525771696 | 6194408 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spadb | 482596424 | 655080 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spauser | 2924464679 | 797928 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/splogscan | 4109356720 | 76552 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spoold | 1939057115 | 5146280 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2935185606 | 164360 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharecli | 1655617398 | 347984 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharedc | 3988195016 | 5124856 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2477794212 | 2069632 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vmtools | 90966486 | 787048 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsadm | 3086573003 | 2512000 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsck | 2926634728 | 476808 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfscld | 1729500934 | 763136 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsd | 3843892114 | 2581976 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_db | 71664672 | 157592 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_metadump | 2884539747 | 371912 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1095242584 | 16697 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_mounts | 1582101227 | 30862 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_quota | 1088315873 | 86568 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_snap | 1694368767 | 84960 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_systemload | 2484323231 | 66088 |
linuxR_x86/appdbutil | 4220429475 | 3984392 |
linuxR_x86/cacontrol | 202013972 | 161984 |
linuxR_x86/cata2map | 3033170865 | 1606504 |
linuxR_x86/catdbutil | 3726415484 | 4340272 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3898692810 | 419728 |
linuxR_x86/crcontrol | 3630124481 | 350784 |
linuxR_x86/crstats | 4133895729 | 59368 |
linuxR_x86/dcscan | 1658845300 | 4827912 |
linuxR_x86/dedupecatutil | 927340829 | 685392 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4240269488 | 644112 |
linuxR_x86/filedel | 2024601746 | 46776 |
linuxR_x86/fileget | 2995376123 | 57768 |
linuxR_x86/fileput | 4038648208 | 66040 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1392285195 | 607880 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1779462020 | 426560 |
linuxR_x86/fpindexscan | 4112827255 | 4560392 |
linuxR_x86/handlehelper | 2154573571 | 65464 |
linuxR_x86/imgio_test | 2275329268 | 98272 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3870377584 | 367976 |
linuxR_x86/keydictutil | 3973993190 | 589712 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3787658052 | 170888 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3516304397 | 2998704 |
linuxR_x86/ | 251416344 | 237016 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3076067506 | 1523560 |
linuxR_x86/ | 160141201 | 74344 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1671006271 | 455928 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3409993010 | 259384 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2873499585 | 455872 |
linuxR_x86/ | 73533277 | 837552 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2220521656 | 270112 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3941068571 | 262920 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2314458277 | 116544 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2916432939 | 789288 |
linuxR_x86/ | 870022557 | 160640 |
linuxR_x86/ | 633445256 | 17584 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1184233487 | 564128 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2334186421 | 298560 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1867200552 | 1342928 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4077602184 | 116792 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1555406963 | 303840 |
linuxR_x86/ | 725534744 | 598448 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2875150853 | 1223616 |
linuxR_x86/ | 684017384 | 511608 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2960485301 | 4054608 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2205495086 | 729800 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1927306631 | 199896 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4073287290 | 960408 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3591461134 | 1658832 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3447794222 | 5194720 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1679283913 | 225632 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3525902927 | 28672 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3174650477 | 402168 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3141815981 | 188328 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2395949109 | 514144 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2320057847 | 155248 |
linuxR_x86/meta_tlog_dump | 2655052263 | 99304 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3946483446 | 388336 |
linuxR_x86/mtstrmctl | 2036476302 | 669640 |
linuxR_x86/mtstrmd | 3499195353 | 1581840 |
linuxR_x86/nbapiutil | 3787568132 | 174440 |
linuxR_x86/pdcfg | 477271652 | 214984 |
linuxR_x86/pdconf | 2334048022 | 40864 |
linuxR_x86/pddecfg | 3336377516 | 54856 |
linuxR_x86/pddeDR | 1673139420 | 137584 |
linuxR_x86/pdregister | 3121624704 | 532376 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1512352968 | 608 |
linuxR_x86/refdbutil | 42933329 | 4740616 |
linuxR_x86/refimage_util | 3208925080 | 36368 |
linuxR_x86/scsi_inq | 1999611379 | 42312 |
linuxR_x86/seedutil | 1616595452 | 98288 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2354717891 | 485032 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1356399796 | 64608 |
linuxR_x86/sodupescanner | 3518581428 | 50520 |
linuxR_x86/spad | 525771696 | 6194408 |
linuxR_x86/spadb | 482596424 | 655080 |
linuxR_x86/spauser | 2924464679 | 797928 |
linuxR_x86/splogscan | 4109356720 | 76552 |
linuxR_x86/spoold | 1939057115 | 5146280 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2935185606 | 164360 |
linuxR_x86/usharecli | 1655617398 | 347984 |
linuxR_x86/usharedc | 3988195016 | 5124856 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2477794212 | 2069632 |
linuxR_x86/vmtools | 90966486 | 787048 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsadm | 3086573003 | 2512000 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsck | 2926634728 | 476808 |
linuxR_x86/vpfscld | 1729500934 | 763136 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsd | 3843892114 | 2581976 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_db | 71664672 | 157592 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_metadump | 2884539747 | 371912 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1095242584 | 16697 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_mounts | 1582101227 | 30862 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_quota | 1088315873 | 86568 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_snap | 1694368767 | 84960 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_systemload | 2484323231 | 66088 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/appdbutil | 2042702327 | 3073360 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/cacontrol | 4211565800 | 93888 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/catdbutil | 639849392 | 3166560 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crcontrol | 593163553 | 288968 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crstats | 125608307 | 33008 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dcscan | 1767337833 | 3764040 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dedupecatutil | 1317949273 | 523088 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/filedel | 385207272 | 28488 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileget | 3763896345 | 34168 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileput | 1397194852 | 44088 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fpindexscan | 1721334168 | 3659432 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/handlehelper | 439503897 | 43512 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/keydictutil | 3702914750 | 522984 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2726795040 | 73368 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1898438251 | 1873072 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3481119861 | 104552 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1872043805 | 864976 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3618625384 | 43872 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 462515928 | 329120 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2942007389 | 538656 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 825857480 | 168760 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3252490569 | 114768 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3729530624 | 82328 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1754715406 | 644800 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2637044180 | 367152 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2229338875 | 132936 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1210487681 | 70464 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1231492304 | 146048 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2376855178 | 327632 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1539301276 | 976456 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 268552378 | 379464 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmctl | 1378374916 | 485312 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmd | 1115779412 | 992032 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/nbapiutil | 1995367078 | 123280 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdcfg | 841213834 | 180624 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdconf | 1219991001 | 18480 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddecfg | 3068418274 | 32144 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddeDR | 185828545 | 96632 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdregister | 2156732271 | 338632 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/refdbutil | 1577369556 | 3707392 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/scsi_inq | 696573712 | 28640 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/seedutil | 2801361005 | 71744 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/sodupescanner | 761735462 | 31080 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spad | 2052522063 | 3378056 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spadb | 1028165682 | 703928 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spauser | 378365670 | 786712 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/splogscan | 3136715310 | 81592 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spoold | 4188519004 | 3659280 |
linuxS_x86/appdbutil | 2042702327 | 3073360 |
linuxS_x86/cacontrol | 4211565800 | 93888 |
linuxS_x86/catdbutil | 639849392 | 3166560 |
linuxS_x86/crcontrol | 593163553 | 288968 |
linuxS_x86/crstats | 125608307 | 33008 |
linuxS_x86/dcscan | 1767337833 | 3764040 |
linuxS_x86/dedupecatutil | 1317949273 | 523088 |
linuxS_x86/filedel | 385207272 | 28488 |
linuxS_x86/fileget | 3763896345 | 34168 |
linuxS_x86/fileput | 1397194852 | 44088 |
linuxS_x86/fpindexscan | 1721334168 | 3659432 |
linuxS_x86/handlehelper | 439503897 | 43512 |
linuxS_x86/keydictutil | 3702914750 | 522984 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2726795040 | 73368 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1898438251 | 1873072 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3481119861 | 104552 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1872043805 | 864976 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3618625384 | 43872 |
linuxS_x86/ | 462515928 | 329120 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2942007389 | 538656 |
linuxS_x86/ | 825857480 | 168760 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3252490569 | 114768 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3729530624 | 82328 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1754715406 | 644800 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2637044180 | 367152 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2229338875 | 132936 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1210487681 | 70464 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1231492304 | 146048 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2376855178 | 327632 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1539301276 | 976456 |
linuxS_x86/ | 268552378 | 379464 |
linuxS_x86/mtstrmctl | 1378374916 | 485312 |
linuxS_x86/mtstrmd | 1115779412 | 992032 |
linuxS_x86/nbapiutil | 1995367078 | 123280 |
linuxS_x86/pdcfg | 841213834 | 180624 |
linuxS_x86/pdconf | 1219991001 | 18480 |
linuxS_x86/pddecfg | 3068418274 | 32144 |
linuxS_x86/pddeDR | 185828545 | 96632 |
linuxS_x86/pdregister | 2156732271 | 338632 |
linuxS_x86/refdbutil | 1577369556 | 3707392 |
linuxS_x86/scsi_inq | 696573712 | 28640 |
linuxS_x86/seedutil | 2801361005 | 71744 |
linuxS_x86/sodupescanner | 761735462 | 31080 |
linuxS_x86/spad | 2052522063 | 3378056 |
linuxS_x86/spadb | 1028165682 | 703928 |
linuxS_x86/spauser | 378365670 | 786712 |
linuxS_x86/splogscan | 3136715310 | 81592 |
linuxS_x86/spoold | 4188519004 | 3659280 |
rs6000_71/ | 2602010007 | 6189501 |
rs6000_71/ | 3930213485 | 278329 |
rs6000_71/ | 1029658832 | 1861386 |
rs6000_71/ | 3779648169 | 478071 |
rs6000_71/ | 1814554030 | 2411691 |
rs6000_71/ | 1703510140 | 708927 |
rs6000_71/ | 249504568 | 305068 |
rs6000_71/ | 3130074215 | 104864 |
rs6000_71/ | 1179737958 | 1080744 |
rs6000_71/ | 2780739087 | 1403302 |
rs6000_71/ | 555453985 | 2009267 |
rs6000_71/mtstrmctl | 905562209 | 2250655 |
rs6000_71/mtstrmd | 2606402245 | 7393374 |
rs6000_71/pdcfg | 887232403 | 613031 |
rs6000_71/pdregister | 1562158361 | 1587281 |
rs6000_71/seedutil | 170613037 | 314842 |
solaris10/ | 3129038814 | 1952432 |
solaris10/ | 2691460620 | 112792 |
solaris10/ | 2460138978 | 874016 |
solaris10/ | 4153961779 | 314808 |
solaris10/ | 2915002154 | 592952 |
solaris10/ | 1010685735 | 168528 |
solaris10/ | 2619126231 | 120584 |
solaris10/ | 618925668 | 81256 |
solaris10/ | 2526813593 | 620056 |
solaris10/ | 2776451699 | 435216 |
solaris10/ | 4273310210 | 1084624 |
solaris10/mtstrmctl | 2269351505 | 612968 |
solaris10/mtstrmd | 827934264 | 1471344 |
solaris10/pdcfg | 2755824684 | 212880 |
solaris10/pdregister | 1512760987 | 449120 |
solaris10/seedutil | 3842262667 | 105032 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3959927195 | 2031328 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3259298165 | 117600 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 1459583179 | 925744 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2790218161 | 353912 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2062828305 | 558288 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2145280158 | 164176 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 1524240847 | 120560 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 1333257484 | 87072 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2739200997 | 702336 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 993283021 | 448360 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3348633193 | 1160216 |
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmctl | 2407546509 | 564984 |
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmd | 1342008695 | 1336312 |
solaris_x86_10_64/pdcfg | 2208666829 | 244664 |
solaris_x86_10_64/pdregister | 2018675539 | 465064 |
solaris_x86_10_64/seedutil | 1095938333 | 94088 |
linuxR_x86/ | 581410878 | 5121 |
Recommended service state:
Stop all NetBackup services before applying this hotfix.
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |