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RHEL8.5 Platform support patch on InfoScale 8.0
This is a platform support patch to enable RHEL8 Update5 platform on InfoScale 8.0.
SORT ID: 17956
Patch IDs:
VRTSamf- for VRTSamf
VRTSaslapm- for VRTSaslapm
VRTSdbac- for VRTSdbac
VRTSgab- for VRTSgab
VRTSllt- for VRTSllt
VRTSodm- for VRTSodm
VRTSveki- for VRTSveki
VRTSvxfen- for VRTSvxfen
VRTSvxfs- for VRTSvxfs
VRTSvxvm- for VRTSvxvm
* * * READ ME * * * * * * InfoScale 8.0 * * * * * * Patch 1200 * * * Patch Date: 2022-02-04 This document provides the following information: * PATCH NAME * OPERATING SYSTEMS SUPPORTED BY THE PATCH * PACKAGES AFFECTED BY THE PATCH * BASE PRODUCT VERSIONS FOR THE PATCH * SUMMARY OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY THE PATCH * DETAILS OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY THE PATCH * INSTALLATION PRE-REQUISITES * INSTALLING THE PATCH * REMOVING THE PATCH PATCH NAME ---------- InfoScale 8.0 Patch 1200 OPERATING SYSTEMS SUPPORTED BY THE PATCH ---------------------------------------- RHEL8 x86-64 PACKAGES AFFECTED BY THE PATCH ------------------------------ VRTSamf VRTSaslapm VRTSdbac VRTSgab VRTSllt VRTSodm VRTSveki VRTSvxfen VRTSvxfs VRTSvxvm BASE PRODUCT VERSIONS FOR THE PATCH ----------------------------------- * Veritas InfoScale Foundation 8.0 * Veritas InfoScale Storage 8.0 * Veritas InfoScale Availability 8.0 * Veritas InfoScale Enterprise 8.0 SUMMARY OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY THE PATCH --------------------------------------- Patch ID: VRTSvxfs- * 4061114 (4052883) VxFS support for RHEL 8.5. Patch ID: VRTSvxvm- * 4064786 (4053230) VxVM support for RHEL 8.5 * 4065628 (4065627) VxVM Modules failed to load after OS upgrade . Patch ID: VRTSaslapm- * 4064820 (4064819) ASLAPM support for RHEL 8.5 Patch ID: VRTSdbac- * 4053178 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSveki- * 4064796 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSvxfen- * 4064785 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSgab- * 4064784 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSllt- * 4064783 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSamf- * 4064788 (4053171) Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). Patch ID: VRTSodm- * 4061115 (4052885) ODM support for RHEL 8.5. DETAILS OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY THE PATCH --------------------------------------- This patch fixes the following incidents: Patch ID: VRTSvxfs- * 4061114 (Tracking ID: 4052883) SYMPTOM: The VxFS module fails to load on RHEL 8.5. DESCRIPTION: This issue occurs due to changes in the RHEL 8.5 kernel. RESOLUTION: VxFS module is updated to accommodate the changes in the kernel and load as expected on RHEL 8.5. Patch ID: VRTSvxvm- * 4064786 (Tracking ID: 4053230) SYMPTOM: RHEL 8.5 support is to be provided with IS 8.0 DESCRIPTION: RHEL 8.5 ZDS support is being provided with IS 8.0 RESOLUTION: VxVM packages are available with RHEL 8.5 compatibility * 4065628 (Tracking ID: 4065627) SYMPTOM: VxVM modules are not loaded after OS upgrade followed by a reboot . DESCRIPTION: Once the stack installation is completed with configuration , after OS upgrade vxvm directory is not formed under /lib/modules/<upgraded_kernel>veritas/ . RESOLUTION: VxVM code is updated with the required changes . Patch ID: VRTSaslapm- * 4064820 (Tracking ID: 4064819) SYMPTOM: ASLAPM package not compiled with RHEL 8.5 DESCRIPTION: With the ongoing compilation issues for RHEL 8.5, the ASLAPM package was not compiling as the build wasn't proceeding RESOLUTION: Code fixes have been made for the compilation issues and now the ASLAPM package is built. Patch ID: VRTSdbac- * 4053178 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSveki- * 4064796 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSvxfen- * 4064785 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSgab- * 4064784 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSllt- * 4064783 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSamf- * 4064788 (Tracking ID: 4053171) SYMPTOM: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5). DESCRIPTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions later than RHEL8 Update 4. RESOLUTION: Veritas Infoscale Availability support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Update 5(RHEL8.5) is now introduced. Patch ID: VRTSodm- * 4061115 (Tracking ID: 4052885) SYMPTOM: The ODM module fails to load on RHEL 8.5. DESCRIPTION: This issue occurs due to changes in the RHEL 8.5 kernel. RESOLUTION: The ODM module is updated to accommodate the changes in the kernel and load as expected on RHEL 8.5. INSTALLING THE PATCH -------------------- Run the Installer script to automatically install the patch: ----------------------------------------------------------- Please be noted that the installation of this P-Patch will cause downtime. To install the patch perform the following steps on at least one node in the cluster: 1. Copy the patch infoscale-rhel8_x86_64-Patch- to /tmp 2. Untar infoscale-rhel8_x86_64-Patch- to /tmp/hf # mkdir /tmp/hf # cd /tmp/hf # gunzip /tmp/infoscale-rhel8_x86_64-Patch- # tar xf /tmp/infoscale-rhel8_x86_64-Patch- 3. Install the hotfix(Please be noted that the installation of this P-Patch will cause downtime.) # pwd /tmp/hf # ./installVRTSinfoscale800P1200 [<host1> <host2>...] You can also install this patch together with 8.0 base release using Install Bundles 1. Download this patch and extract it to a directory 2. Change to the Veritas InfoScale 8.0 directory and invoke the installer script with -patch_path option where -patch_path should point to the patch directory # ./installer -patch_path [<path to this patch>] [<host1> <host2>...] Install the patch manually: -------------------------- Manual installation is not recommended. REMOVING THE PATCH ------------------ Manual uninstallation is not recommended. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- NONE OTHERS ------ NONE
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