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This hotfix provides fixes for following issues:
1) While classification, for unity with smart classification enabled request never completes.
2) Canned owner reports and Data aging reports shows NaN or owner as Unknown. Technote Link:
3) DQL reports incomplete when using owner fields or shows Unknown Error.
4) First row of DQL output is missing data if custom AD attributes are synced.
5) Whitelist policy unable to determined similar paths.
Date: 2020-08-07
OS: Windows/Linux
Etrack Incidents: 4010527
Errors/Problems Fixed:
CFT-2978 - Classification hanging with process VICServerService.exe not responding
CFT-2979 - Canned Owner reports shows size as 'NaN'
CFT-2980 - Canned Owner reports incomplete - show owner as 'Unknown'
CFT-2983 - DQL Reports are logging an error "APR Error: Unknown error 246"
CFT-2984 - DQL reports incomplete when using owner fields
CFT-2981 - Consumption by owner shows incorrect User when user-display is enclosed in double quotes.
CFT-2982 - First row of DQL output is missing data
CFT-2985 - Inactive Data by owner reports showing negative size.
CFT-2987 - Whitelist policy unable to determined similar paths
CFT-2986 - Data Aging reports showing NaN instead of actual file size.
This hotfix provides fixes for following issues:
1) While classification, for unity with smart classification enabled request never completes.
2) Canned owner reports and Data aging reports shows NaN or owner as Unknown - Technote Link:
3) DQL reports incomplete when using owner fields or shows Unknown Error.
4) First row of DQL output is missing data if custom AD attributes are synced.
5) Whitelist policy unable to determined similar paths.
Applies to: Data Insight Management Server, Data Insight Collector worker node, Data Insight Indexer worker node and Data Insight Classification Server.
Install/Uninstall Instructions:
Apply this hotfix to Data Insight Management Server, Data Insight Collector worker node, Data Insight Indexer worker node and Data Insight Classification Server.
This hotfix can be applied to Data Insight version 6.1 RP5 only.
By default, value of INSTALL_ROOT on Windows is "C:\Program Files\DataInsight".
By default, value of INSTALL_ROOT on Linux is "/opt/DataInsight".
Log into Data Insight Server and perform the following steps:
1. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the
"patches" folder. This folder contains all files for help application.
Example: If you unzip hotfix to C:\temp, it will create the following folder
under C:\temp:
2. For Windows:
a. Start the 64-bit version of either Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell ISE with the "Run as administrator" option.
The version of PowerShell must be 3.0 or later. You can determine the version that you are running by typing the following at the PowerShell prompt:
b. Run PowerShell script DIHFInstaller.ps1. This script does the following:
i. Stops all Data Insight services.
ii. Takes backup of existing binaries.
iii. Installs required binaries.
iv. Brings the Data Insight services online.
c. It is strongly recommended to use PowerShell script for installation of this hotfix.
i. Run PowerShell cmdlet which enables all Scripts need to be signed for execution:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
ii. Check Execution Policy is set to AllSigned using below cmdlet:
iii. Run Powershell Script:
3. For Linux:
a. Stop all Data Insight services:
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightComm stop
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightConfig stop
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightWatchdog stop
b. Install required classification binaries using following steps:
i. For RHEL6 Linux, if you are patching Data Insight node installed at "/opt/DataInsight":
Copy and replace all the files from "patches/RHEL6/lib/" to "/opt/DataInsight/lib/"
ii. For RHEL7 Linux, if you are patching Data Insight node installed at "/opt/DataInsight":
Copy and replace all the files from "patches/RHEL7/lib/" to "/opt/DataInsight/lib/"
c. Start Data Insight services:
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightComm start
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightConfig start
INSTALL_ROOT/bin/DataInsightWatchdog start
Next Steps:
Follow steps mentioned in technote if applicable in your environment.
Additional Notes:
1. Apply this hotfix to Data Insight 6.1 RP5 only.
2. If a new Data Insight node is added later, this hotfix needs to be applied.
Applies to the following product releases
This update requires
This update was migrated from For details (readme, files, etc.), click the 'Update name' link to view the update download page for this update.
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |