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Enterprise Vault™ Backup and Recovery
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.5)
- About this guide
- Backing up Enterprise Vault
- Enterprise Vault recovery procedures
- Recovering Enterprise Vault using full system backups
- Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups
- Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster
- Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover cluster
Recovery procedure 2: Restoring Enterprise Vault system databases
Restore the following Enterprise Vault databases:
Each FSA Reporting database you have set up, if you use FSA Reporting.
Fingerprint databases
Vault store databases
If you have restored EnterpriseVaultMonitoring
or the FSA Reporting databases to a SQL server other than the one that previously hosted them, you must update the Directory database.
To update the monitoring settings in the Directory database
- On the SQL server that hosts the Directory database, run the following SQL script:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory UPDATE MonitoringSettings SET SQLServer = 'SQL_server_name'
Where SQL_server_name is the name of the new SQL server.
To update the FSA reporting settings in the Directory database
- On the SQL server that hosts the Directory database, run the following SQL script to determine which SQL server hosted each FSA Reporting database:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory Select SQLServer,DatabaseName From FSAReportingDatabase
- Run the following SQL script:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory UPDATE FSAReportingDatabase SET SQLServer = 'SQL_server_name' WHERE DatabaseName = 'FSA_reporting_database_name'
SQL_server_name is the name of the new SQL server.
FSA_reporting_database_name is the name of the FSA Reporting database that you restored.