Enterprise Vault™ NSF Migration

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.5)

About scripted NSF migration

Enterprise Vault Policy Manager provides the functionality that is required to run scripted migrations of content from NSF files to Enterprise Vault. For detailed information on Policy Manager, see the Utilities guide.

Policy Manager lets you control how each NSF file is processed. For each NSF file you can:

  • Specify the destination archive.

  • Choose to create shortcuts to migrated items.

  • Control whether shortcuts are left in the NSF file or placed in a specific folder in the user's mail file.

  • Specify the retention category to apply to the migrated items.


    Some Enterprise Vault features, such as the retention plan and classification features, can override the specified retention category. For example, suppose that you migrate items from an NSF file to an archive to which you have applied a retention plan. Depending on how you have configured the plan, the retention category that you have associated with it may override the retention category that you have specified with Policy Manager.

  • Control what happens to the NSF file after the items have been migrated.

Policy Manager uses an initialization file, in which you make default migration settings and list the NSF files. You can also override the default migration settings for individual NSF files.

You can run Policy Manager in report mode or in process mode.

In report mode, Policy Manager checks each NSF file listed in the initialization file, to determine whether it can migrate the file's contents. Policy Manager creates a new initialization file, which contains a count of all the files that are not ready for migration. In the new initialization file, any NSF file which cannot be migrated is marked to exclude it when Policy Manager runs in process mode.

In process mode, Policy Manager migrates items from the NSF files listed in the initialization file. Policy Manager also writes a new initialization file when you run it in process mode, and marks the files it has processed successfully. You can use the new file to migrate any failed files when you have corrected the problems that prevented their migration.

If you want to migrate only a small number of NSF files, consider using NSF migrator instead.

More Information

About NSF migrator