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Enterprise Vault™ PST Migration
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.4)
- About this guide
- Introduction to PST migration
- PST file ownership
- PST migration: scripted
- PST migration: wizard-assisted
- PST migration: Locate and Migrate
- Setting up PST Locate and Migrate
- Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate
- PST migration: client-driven migration
- About client-driven PST migration
- Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration
Enterprise Vault event log for PST scripted migration
When you run in process mode, the Enterprise Vault event log also contains one entry for each PST file processed. The entries appear in the Enterprise Vault event log with a source of Migrator Server. For example, the following log entry is for a PST file that contained 560 items and resulted in 560 shortcuts being placed in the mailbox:
PST Migration Report Migration status: Completed PST file: E:\Vault Test files\TestPSTs\um1.pst Vault Name: Chris Waterlander Vault Id: RetentionCategory: Business Exchange Server\Mailbox: EV\/o=ACME/ou=DEVELOPER/cn=Recipients/cn=ChrisW Number of folders processed: 43 Number of items archived to vault: 560 Total size of items archived: 137876 KB Number of items unable to be archived: 0 Number of items moved to mailbox: 560 Elapsed Migration Time: 0:0:6 (hours:minutes:seconds)
There is a summary log entry for each PST file that is migrated. The entry lists the number of items that have been archived and also the number of items that have been moved to the mailbox.
Some items may not be eligible for archiving or moving to the mailbox. This is the case if they have a message class that you have specifically excluded from being archived (using the
tab of the Exchange PST Migration policy in the Administration Console), or if they were created on a computer that uses a language incompatible with that of the Storage service computer. For example, if a PST file contains a mixture of Japanese and English items, and the Storage Service computer uses Japanese, the English items are not eligible for archiving.