NetBackup™ Logging Reference Guide
- Using logs
- Changing the logging levels
- About unified logging
- About legacy logging
- Backup process and logging
- Media and device processes and logging
- Restore process and logging
- Advanced backup and restore features
- Storage logging
- NetBackup Deduplication logging
- OpenStorage Technology (OST) logging
- Storage lifecycle policy (SLP) and Auto Image Replication (A.I.R.) logging
- NetBackup secure communication logging
- NetBackup proxy helper logging
- NetBackup proxy tunnel logging
- Snapshot technologies
- Locating logs
- NetBackup Administration Console logging
- Using the Logging Assistant
SLP and A.I.R. logging
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 226 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
importmgr (master server, import manager logs within the 226 nbstserv
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 369 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
nbrmms (logs on the media server responsible for monitoring the disk storage):
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 222 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
stsem (storage server event manager, stsem
logs within the 222 nbrmms log):
vxlogcfg -a -p NB -o 395 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
On the media servers that perform the duplication, view the appropriate bpdm and bptm legacy logs. On the media server that initiates the A.I.R. replication operation and on the media server that performs the subsequent import, you can view the bpdm legacy log for additional details.
bpdm (verbose 5) bptm (verbose 5)
You can increase the plugin logging to get additional details within bptm/bpdm or the third-party vendors OST plugin log file regarding the duplication, replication, and import operations.
On the master server, the following legacy logs are also helpful to review:
admin - (the
log logs the bpduplicate or nbreplicate command for the job)bpdbm - (the NetBackup Database Manager program that contains backup policy information, such as files, media, and client information)