Enterprise Vault™ Requesting and Applying an SSL Certificate

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.1, 14.0, 12.5, 12.4, 12.3)

Creating a certificate request file

Before you follow the procedure to create a certificate request (.req) file:

  • Identify the DNS namespaces required. For example, if you want to secure internal communication and external web requests for the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App or Enterprise Vault access, the names might be evserver.domain.local and ev.domain.com, where domain is the domain name.

  • Decide which Enterprise Vault servers need a certificate. The following factors determine this requirement:

    • The configuration of the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App and Enterprise Vault itself.

    • Whether the load is balanced, and if so the load-balancing method.

    You may then need to create a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate for multiple server names, for example EVserver1.domain.local and EVserver2.domain.local.

To create the certificate request file, follow this procedure on one Enterprise Vault server.

To create a certificate request file

  1. On an Enterprise Vault server, open the Start menu, type mmc in the Search box, and press Enter to run mmc.exe.
  2. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.
  3. Double-click Certificates, select Computer Account, and click Next.
  4. Select Local Computer, and click Finish.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Expand the Certificates node.
  7. Right-click Personal and select All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request.
  8. On the Certificate Enrollment Welcome page, click Next.
  9. Select Proceed without enrollment policy and click Next.
  10. Accept the default options and click Next.
  11. Expand Details and click Properties.
  12. On the Certificate Properties General tab, enter a Friendly name, which can be anything you choose.
  13. On the Certificate Properties Subject tab, under Subject name, select the type Common name and add a common name. In this case the common name is the internal namespace name for the Enterprise Vault server.
  14. Still on the Certificate Properties Subject tab, under Alternative name, select the DNS type and add the external namespace for DNS. You can add as many alternative namespaces under DNS as you require. Then click OK.
  15. On the Certificate Information page, click Next.
  16. On the next page, enter a location and a name for the request file and click Finish. Note that there is no Back option here. If you make a mistake, click Cancel and repeat the steps as necessary.
  17. Close the MMC.