Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Release Notes
- About NetBackup appliance 4.0
- NetBackup appliance 4.0 features, enhancements, and changes
- NetBackup Appliance Hardware features
- NetBackup Appliance compatibility
- Operational notes
- About NetBackup support utilities
- Appendix A. Release content
- Appendix B. Related documents
General NetBackup Appliance notes
The following list contains the notes and the known issues that relate to the general workings of the NetBackup Appliance:
The order in which the 52xx storage shelves are displayed on the NetBackup Appliance Web Console or the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu may be different than the actual order and layout in your environment. The storage shelf order is displayed in the Monitor > Hardware tab on the left pane where the storage shelves are displayed as NetBackup StorageShelf 1, NetBackup StorageShelf2, etc. Similarly the order of the storage shelves is displayed on the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu when you run the Monitor > Hardware > ShowHealth command.
If the mainboard RAID controller is removed from a 52xx appliance, the NetBackup Appliance Web Console or the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu may still display stale data when you click on the Monitor > Hardware > Adapter tab or run the Monitor> Hardware ShowHealth Appliance Adapter command.
If the disks on the RAID 1 volume of the 5240 appliance are missing and you run the Monitor > Hardware ShowHealth Appliance RAID command, the location of the missing disks is displayed incorrectly as slot 0.
The same behavior is observed in the NetBackup Appliance Web Console when you navigate to Monitor > Hardware > RAID for the 5240 appliance. This issue applies to 5240 appliances and is observed when the disks on the RAID 1 volume of the appliance are missing.
If you connect a Veritas Storage Shelf to a NetBackup 52xx Appliance, an AutoSupport alert with UMI code V-475-100-1004 is generated for each storage disk when the storage shelf is turned on. The following message displays:
"You can either import the foreign configuration or clear the disk."
You can safely ignore these alerts.
If you connect the storage shelf during initial configuration, the alerts are all cleared when initial configuration is complete.
If you connect the storage shelf after initial configuration, the alerts are cleared when you run the storage scan as part of installation. In this case, the NetBackup Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu may show incorrect data for the storage shelf for approximately five minutes after installation is complete.
See the NetBackup Appliance Hardware Installation Guides for more information on installing a storage shelf.
An appliance self-test fails if the login banner heading or a single line in the login banner message contains only the following text:
.On a NetBackup 5330 Appliance, a preferred path failure can occur when the LUN ownership fails over from one controller to another controller. In some cases, one controller can reset the other controller, which then causes a preferred path failure. When this failure happens, the Storage Status for appliance hardware monitoring displays as Not Optimal. This failure can persist for weeks at a time until cleared.
If the failure is not cleared, all paths fail, and the affected controller is taken offline, resulting in loss of redundancy and performance degradation. If you encounter this issue, contact Veritas Support and have your representative reference TECH225558.
Windows 7/8.1 clients cannot automatically access the appliance CIFS shares. To work around this issue, run the following command from a Windows command prompt on the client:
net use /user:admin \\appliance-name *, where appliance-name is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the appliance.
Enter your appliance administrator password at the prompt.
Once you have run this command, the client is able to access the CIFS shares.
For this release of NetBackup Appliance, Replication Director (RD) restores do not support dynamic multi-pathing (DMP) when the appliance is used as a backup or a recovery host.
During a factory reset, when the following message appear:
If you select no, it indicates that you keep the storage related configurations. After the factory reset, when you perform the initial configuration, make sure that the size of the Advanced Disk and MSDP are not set to 0, otherwise the role configuration fails.
If the size of AdvancedDisk and MSDP partitions were set to 0 before the factory reset, they can remain at 0 when you perform the initial configuration.
If you want to configure 16Gb Fibre Chanel cards on the appliance with software version 3.1.2 or later, do not directly connect two 16Gb Fibre Channel cards. Direct connection between two 16Gb Fibre Channel cards makes the HBA link down on the target port. To avoid this issue, always build an HBA link between two 16Gb Fibre Channel HBA cards through a switch.
After you replace 8Gb FC cards with 16Gb FC cards on an appliance that updated to software version 3.1.2, the "Fibre Transport Deduplication state" may not show correctly when you run the command Manage > FibreChannel > Show in the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu. To restart the infrastructure services and refresh the "Fibre Transport Deduplication state", run the following:
Support > InfraServices Stop
Support > InfraServices Start
Manage > FibreChannel > Show
Starting with release 3.1.1, if IPSec functionality is configured on any appliance that you plan to upgrade, the IPsec certificates may not be retained after the upgrade has completed. To avoid this issue, you must export the IPsec certificates before upgrading those appliances. For complete details, see the Veritas NetBackup Appliance Upgrade Guide.
If your appliance has shares configured and you roll back to a user created checkpoint, some tuning parameters for the share may be lost after the rollback has completed. This issue can affect appliance performance once you start using the share again. To resolve this issue, contact Veritas Support and refer them to article 100047636.
Appliance reboot during backups causes SAN client, Fibre Transport, tape device issues
If you reboot an appliance media server appliance while backup jobs are in progress, the following problems may result after the reboot has completed:
SAN client backups fail.
Backup jobs through Fibre Transport (FT) fail.
Remote tape devices become unusable.
To resolve these issues, do one of the following:
Log in to the NetBackup Java console, navigate to Media and Device Management > Devices > SAN Clients, then choose each SAN client that is affected and trigger a Fibre Channel (FC) rescan.
Log in to the appliance media server as a NetBackup CLI user and run the following command
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbftconfig -rescanallclients
"Fail Lock" STIG rule only supports local users, not remote users
When STIG is enabled, one of the enforced remediation rules is
. This "Fail Lock" rule is intended to lock an account and prevent login access to it if multiple and successive incorrect passwords have been entered. The current implementation for NetBackup appliances enforces this rule for local users. However, authentication by AD, LDAP, or Kerberos users is not supported when this rule is put into effect when STIG is enabled. Those authentication methods can be re-enabled with the appropriate shell menu commands. If you plan to enable STIG, it is recommended to enable it before configuring remote access.For details about how to work around this issue, see the following article: