Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Administrator's Guide
- Overview
- About accessing the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About appliance console components
- Monitoring the NetBackup appliance
- About hardware monitoring and alerts
- About Symantec Data Center Security on the NetBackup appliance
- Managing a NetBackup appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About storage configuration
- Manage > Storage > Universal Shares
- About Copilot functionality and Share management
- Creating a Share
- About viewing storage space information using the Show command
- About appliance supported tape devices
- About configuring Host parameters for your appliance
- Manage > Appliance Restore
- Manage > License
- About the Migration Utility
- Software release updates for NetBackup Appliances
- About installing an EEB
- About installing NetBackup Administration Console and client software
- Manage > Additional Servers
- Manage > High Availability
- Managing NetBackup appliance using the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About OpenStorage plugin installation
- About mounting a remote NFS
- About running NetBackup commands from the appliance
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- Creating a NetBackup touch file from the NetBackup appliance
- Creating NetBackup administrator user accounts
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- About Auto Image Replication between appliances
- About forwarding logs to an external server
- About high availability configuration
- About data erasure
- Understanding the NetBackup appliance settings
- Settings > Notifications
- Settings > Network
- Settings > Network > Network Settings
- Settings > Network > Fibre Transport
- Settings > Network > Host
- Settings > Authentication
- About configuring user authentication
- About authorizing NetBackup appliance users
- Settings > Authentication > LDAP
- Settings > Authentication > Active Directory
- Settings > Authentication > Kerberos-NIS
- Settings > Authentication > User Management
- Troubleshooting
- Deduplication pool catalog backup and recovery
Recovering a NetBackup appliance master server using NetBackup catalog restore
This section details how to recover a NetBackup appliance master server using the NetBackup catalog restore function.
The following information is mandatory to complete this task:
Copy of the NetBackup catalog from the affected master server.
Make sure to set the passphrase for the NetBackup catalog backup policy. The passphrase is needed for a catalog recovery.
Storage configuration from the affected master server.
Host name of the affected master server.
Network configuration, if a re-image is needed.
Time zone of the affected master server.
This procedure requires that you have a copy of your NetBackup catalog stored on a separate server or computer. You need the catalog backup to recover the affected master server.
To recover an appliance master server using NetBackup catalog restore
- Perform one of the following actions depending on the state of your master server:
If you can log on to the master server, perform a factory reset and retain the network settings. You can elect to delete all images and reset the storage configuration.
If you cannot log on to the master server, perform a re-image of the server using the same network settings as before the disaster event.
- Once you have completed the factory reset or re-image operation, log on to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu on the master server and create an NetBackup CLI user.
Main_Menu > Manage > NetBackupCLI > Create
- Copy the NetBackup catalog files that were stored off-site onto the master server.
- Log out of the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu, then log on as the NetBackup CLI user you created earlier.
- Run bp.kill_all.
- Run nbhostidentity -import -infile with the package file of the
- Run bp.start_all, then verify that the token, certifications, and security settings have been restored.
- Configure the role on the factory state appliance as a master server.
Make sure to keep the same host name, time zone, and storage settings of the master as before the disaster.
- Run bpsetconfig to add the line: MEDIA_SERVER=<media_server_name> and register media servers on the new master server. Use Ctrl + D to exit and save this entry.
- Run nbemmcmd to add the media server's record to the EEM database manually:
nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename <media_server_name> -machinetype media -masterserver <master_server_name> -operatingsystem linux -netbackupversion <NetBackup_version>
- Create the media server AdvancedDisk storage information using the following commands:
nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <media_server_name> -stype AdvancedDisk -media_server <media_server_name> -st 5
nbdevconfig -createdp -dp dp_adv_<media_server_name> -stype AdvancedDisk -storage_servers <media_server_name> -dvlist dvlist.txt
bpstuadd -label stu_adv_<media_server_name> -dp dp_adv_<media_server_name> -cj 20 -odo 1 -okrt 0 -nodevhost -M <master_server_name>
- Restore the NetBackup catalog by performing one of the following actions:
Run the bprecover -wizard command.
Use the NetBackup Catalog Recovery Wizard in the NetBackup Administrator's Console.
- Run bp.kill_all and bp.restart_all to finish recovering the master server.