Enterprise Vault™ Migrating Data Using the Amazon S3 Storage Migrator

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.1, 14.0, 12.5, 12.4, 12.3, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.0)

Amazon Simple Storage Service server properties

After you select Amazon Simple Storage Service as the secondary storage for a vault store partition, configure the properties for your Amazon S3 storage. Use the Advanced tab of the vault store partition properties page to configure the storage server properties.

Most of the configuration parameters are populated with their default values. You need to manually set the following parameters:

  • Amazon secure access key ID

  • Amazon shared secret

  • Amazon bucket name

Table: Amazon S3 storage server properties



Default value

Storage server name

The name of the Amazon server.


Storage class

The storage class in which to store items.

Specify the storage class for storing objects into the S3 bucket.

  • S3 Standard - to store frequently accessed data.

  • S3 Standard-IA - to store infrequently accessed data that requires rapid access when needed.

  • S3 One Zone-IA - to store infrequently accessed data in a single Availability Zone.

  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering - to move data across most cost-effective access tier.

  • S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval - to store long-retention data that is rarely accessed and requires retrieval in milliseconds at the lowest cost.


Amazon secure access key ID

The secure access Key ID name that Amazon provides.


Amazon shared secret

The account shared secret that Amazon provides.


Amazon bucket name

The name of the Amazon bucket.

The bucket name must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3. To ensure that you use a unique name you could prefix your bucket names with your company's name.

There are other requirements that you need to take care of while naming the buckets. Refer to the Amazon Simple Storage Service documentation for bucket naming requirements and guidelines.


Amazon bucket region

The geographical location where the bucket is created. You can choose from the following options:

  • US Standard

  • US West (Oregon)

  • US West (Northern California)

  • EU (Ireland)

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • South America (Sao Paulo)

  • EU (Frankfurt)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul)

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

US Standard

  • US East (Ohio)

  • Canada (Central)

  • EU (London)

  • EU (Paris)

  • ME (Bahrain)

Note that for existing buckets, Enterprise Vault ignores this setting if the bucket name already exists in any of the supported regions.

For example, if you create a bucket in the US West (Oregon) region using the AWS Management Console, then Enterprise Vault continues to migrate the data to US West (Oregon) even though you specify the bucket region as US West (Northern California) while configuring the properties of the bucket.


Write buffer size

The buffer size, in megabytes, Enterprise Vault uses for data uploads. Ensure that this value is greater than the Maximum collection file size setting on the Collections tab of the vault store partitions page.

Set this option to zero (0) to disable the use of buffers.


Read buffer size

The buffer size, in megabytes, Enterprise Vault uses for data downloads.


Log level

The amount of detail to include in the log file. You can select from the following:

  • No logging

  • Errors only

  • Errors, Warnings

  • Errors, Warnings, Info

  • Everything


If you choose No logging, Enterprise Vault does not log cURL messages even if Log CURL messages is set to Yes.

Errors, Warnings

Use SSL for control

When set to Yes, Enterprise Vault uses the TLS 1.2 protocol to establish a secure connection to the Amazon S3 storage.

Note that the S3 API does not support self-signed certificates.


Use SSL for data r/w

When set to Yes, Enterprise Vault uses the TLS 1.2 protocol to establish a secure connection for read and write operations to the Amazon S3 storage.


Log CURL messages

Specifies whether to log cURL activity.

cURL is a command line tool for sending or receiving files using URL syntax. Enterprise Vault uses the cURL library to transfer data to the Amazon S3 cloud.


CURL connect timeout

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, the Enterprise Vault Amazon S3 Migrator waits to connect to the Amazon S3 storage server. This only limits the connection phase, not the session time.


CURL operation timeout

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, the Enterprise Vault Amazon S3 Migrator waits to transfer data to and retrieve data from the Amazon S3 storage server.


CURL proxy type

The CURL proxy types. Proxy types are HTTP, SOCKS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, SOCKS4A.


CURL proxy IP

The CURL proxy IP. By default, no proxy is used.


CURL proxy port

The CURL proxy port number.


User wait timeout

If an Enterprise Vault user's request to retrieve an archived item from the Amazon S3 storage server takes longer than normal, specifies the number of seconds after which to present the user with the following message:

"The archived item is being retrieved from a slow device. Try again later."

Enterprise Vault continues to retrieve the item in the background until the System wait timeout period has elapsed. Enterprise Vault then abandons the attempt to retrieve the item, and the user must submit the retrieval request again.

The recommended value is 40 seconds.


System wait timeout

If an attempt to retrieve an archived item from the Amazon S3 storage server takes an excessively long time, specifies the number of seconds after which to abandon the attempt and remove the requested item from the retrieval queue.

The recommended value is 900 seconds.


Recalled file cache period

The number of days, since the last accessed date, that Enterprise Vault should retain recalled files in the cache. The collection process deletes the recalled files when the cache period has elapsed.


Migrate all files

If the value is set to Yes, Enterprise Vault forces all eligible files to be collected and migrated. Setting this value to Yes may cause Enterprise Vault to create a large number of collection files.

If the value is set to No, Enterprise Vault may leave some saveset files uncollected and thus unmigrated.
