Backup Exec 22.1 管理指南
- Backup Exec 簡介
- 安裝
- 安裝 Agent for Windows 的方法
- 安裝 Remote Administrator
- 使用指令行安裝 Backup Exec (無干擾模式)
- Backup Exec 授權合約資訊
- 關於升級至 Backup Exec
- 入門
- 備份
- 使用虛擬型備份與代理程式型備份時機的建議
- 備份資料
- 還原
- 工作管理及監控
- 警示與通知
- 讓作用中警示和警示記錄在「首頁」標籤上顯示
- 新增警示通知的收件者群組
- 工作完成時傳送通知
- Backup Exec 警示的 SNMP 陷阱
- 磁碟式儲存和網路式儲存
- 雲端式儲存裝置
- Generic S3 Configurator
- OpenStorage 裝置
- Microsoft 365
- OneDrive 外掛程式:效能和流量管制組態
- Exchange 外掛程式:效能和流量管制組態
- SharePoint 外掛程式:效能和流量管制組態
- 舊版備份至磁碟資料夾
- 磁帶儲存體
- 儲存裝置集區
- 儲存作業
- 轉換成虛擬機器
- 組態與設定
- 為 Microsoft 365 架構平行串流和工作設定
- 變更 Backup Exec 的網路和安全性選項
- 搭配防火牆使用 Backup Exec
- 刪除 DBA 起始的工作範本
- Backup Exec 登入帳戶
- 報告
- 建立自訂報告
- Backup Exec 標準報告清單
- 即時雲端復原
- GDPR Guard
- Backup Exec 疑難排解
- 疑難排解 SAN 中故障的元件
- 產生適用於 Backup Exec 疑難排解的診斷檔案
- Simplified Disaster Recovery
- 設定或變更災難復原資訊檔的替代位置
- 建立 Simplified Disaster Recovery 磁碟影像
- 使用 Simplified Disaster Recovery 準備從災難復原
- 使用 Simplified Disaster Recovery 復原電腦
- 執行手動災難復原
- 永久增量備份
- 附錄 A. Backup Exec Agent for Windows
- 關於 Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
- 附錄 B. Backup Exec 重複資料刪除功能
- 建立或匯入重複資料刪除磁碟儲存
- 選取用於直接存取共用的儲存裝置
- 附錄 C. Backup Exec Agent for VMware
- 關於建立 vCenter/ESX(i) 伺服器的信任
- 備份 VMware 虛擬機器
- 關於 VMware 虛擬機器的即時復原
- 關於 VMware 虛擬機器的復原就緒
- 附錄 D. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
- 備份 Microsoft Hyper-V 虛擬機器
- 關於 Hyper-V 虛擬機器即時復原
- 關於 Hyper-V 虛擬機器的復原就緒
- 附錄 E. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
- 附錄 F. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
- 備份 Exchange 資料
- 附錄 G. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
- 備份 Microsoft SharePoint 資料
- 附錄 H. Windows 或 Linux 伺服器上的 Backup Exec Agent for Oracle
- 在 Windows 電腦和 Linux 伺服器上架構 Oracle Agent
- 關於 Backup Exec 伺服器上的驗證憑證
- 關於備份 Oracle 資料庫
- 關於還原 Oracle 資源
- 附錄 I. Backup Exec Agent for Enterprise Vault
- 關於 Enterprise Vault 備份工作的備份方法
- 還原 Enterprise Vault
- 關於 Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
- 架構 Backup Exec Migrator
- 關於擷取移轉的 Enterprise Vault 資料
- 關於分割區復原公用程式
- 附錄 J. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
- 附錄 K. Backup Exec Central Admin Server Feature
- 關於安裝 Central Admin Server Feature
- 達到 CAS 通訊臨界值時會有什麼影響
- 關於 CAS 中的工作委派
- 如何在 CAS 中使用 Backup Exec 伺服器集區
- 集中式還原在 CAS 中的運作方式
- 附錄 L. Backup Exec Advanced Disk-based Backup Feature
- 附錄 M. Backup Exec NDMP 功能
- 附錄 N. Backup Exec 檔案伺服器
- 附錄 O. Backup Exec Agent for Linux and Unix
- 關於安裝 Agent for Linux and Unix
- 關於在 Backup Exec 伺服器清單中建立遠端 Linux 和 Unix 電腦的信任
- 編輯 Linux 和 Unix 電腦的組態選項
- 關於使用 Agent for Linux and Unix 備份 Linux 和 Unix 電腦
- 關於將資料還原至 Linux 和 Unix 電腦
- 編輯 Linux 和 Unix 電腦的預設備份工作選項
- 移除 Agent for Linux and Unix
- 附錄 P. Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux
- 關於安裝 Remote Media Agent for Linux
- 關於在 Backup Exec 伺服器清單中建立 Remote Media Agent for Linux 電腦的信任
- 關於 Remote Media Agent for Linux 的 Backup Exec 操作員 (beoper) 群組
- 關於新增 Linux 伺服器作為 Remote Media Agent for Linux
- 編輯 Remote Media Agent for Linux 內容
- 建立模擬磁帶庫
- 檢視模擬磁帶庫內容
- 附錄 Q. 協助工具與 Backup Exec
對於以下案例,可能需要在 o365_settings.conf 檔案中調整預設參數。如果新值有效,則可以將其保留用於後續工作。
C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\SCFPlugins\O365\o365_settings.conf
這些變更會影響 Backup Exec 伺服器上的所有備份和還原作業。此調整必須在技術支援的指導下進行,以避免出現問題。
# Number of threads for enumerating folder items during backup. Microsoft recommended value. (minimum - 2, maximum - 5) #backup_sync_requests = 5
# Number of threads for backing up items. (minimum - 2, maximum - 15) #backup_download_requests = 5
# Number of items to download per request during backup (minimum - 5, maximum - 100) backup_items_per_download_request = 80
# Number of retries when requests fail during backup (minimum - 0, maximum - 10) #backup_retries_for_requests = 5
檔案終止或無輸入:訊息傳輸中斷或逾時 (最大復原延遲 300 秒) (最大傳送延遲 300 秒)。
Exchange Online 的過度流量管制
請在連線 Exchange Online 服務時檢查是否存在任何網路問題。變更以下值有助於解決逾時錯誤。
# Minimum number of items to download per request to fallback to on network timeout errors during backup (minimum - 1, maximum - 20) #backup_min_items_per_download_request = 5 # Maximum total size of all items to download per request during backup (minimum - 1, maximum - 500) #backup_max_size_per_download_request_mb = 20
# Network send timeout for requests sent during backup (minimum - 0, maximum - 300) #backup_gsoap_send_timeout_secs = 300 # Network receive timeout for requests sent during backup (minimum - 0, maximum - 300) #backup_gsoap_recv_timeout_secs = 300
# Maximum number of items to upload in a single request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 200) #restore_max_items_per_upload_batch = 100 # Maximum total size of all items to upload per request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 50) #restore_max_payload_per_batch_mb = 5 # Number of threads to upload items during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 10) #restore_max_item_upload_tasks = 3 # Maximum number of items to verify in a single request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 200) #restore_max_items_per_verification_batch = 50 # Number of threads to verify items during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 10) #restore_max_item_verification_tasks = 2
# Number of retries when requests fail during restore (minimum - 0, maximum - 10) #restore_max_retries = 5
從 Exchange Online 停用 EWS 節流後,變更以下設定可提高備份速度。
# Number of threads for enumerating folder items during backup. Microsoft recommended value. (minimum - 2, maximum - 5) #backup_sync_requests = 5 # Number of threads for backing up items. (minimum - 2, maximum - 15) #backup_download_requests = 5 # Number of items to download per request during backup (minimum - 5, maximum - 100) backup_items_per_download_request = 80 # Maximum total size of all items to download per request during backup (minimum - 1, maximum - 500) #backup_max_size_per_download_request_mb = 20 # Maximum total size of all items (downloaded and across all outstanding requests) during backup #backup_max_total_items_download_size_mb = 100 (minimum - 10, maximum - 2000)
當 Exchange Online 上啟用 EWS 節流後,變更設定沒有任何影響,但可能會降低工作效能。當 Exchange Online 上啟用 EWS 節流後,將早期設定還原為其原始值。
從 Exchange Online 停用 EWS 節流後,變更以下設定可提高還原速度。
# Maximum number of items to upload in a single request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 200) #restore_max_items_per_upload_batch = 100 # Maximum total size of all items to upload per request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 50) #restore_max_payload_per_batch_mb = 5 # Number of threads to upload items during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 10) #restore_max_item_upload_tasks = 3 # Maximum number of items to verify in a single request during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 200) #restore_max_items_per_verification_batch = 50 # Number of threads to verify items during restore (minimum - 1, maximum - 10) #restore_max_item_verification_tasks = 2
當 Exchange Online 上啟用 EWS 節流後,變更設定沒有任何影響,但可能會降低工作效能。當 Exchange Online 上啟用 EWS 節流後,將早期設定還原為其原始值。