Backup Exec 22.2 Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Backup Exec
- Installation
- Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
- Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
- Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
- Installing the Remote Administrator
- Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
- Backup Exec license contract information
- About upgrading to Backup Exec
- Getting Started
- Configuring the Home tab
- Backups
- Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
- Backing up data
- Restores
- How Backup Exec catalogs work
- Job management and monitoring
- About the Job Monitor
- About the Job History
- Viewing the job log
- Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
- Alerts and notifications
- Enabling active alerts and alert history to display on the Home tab
- Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
- Sending a notification when a job completes
- SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
- Disk-based and network-based storage
- Configuring disk storage
- Configuring disk cartridge storage
- Backup sets
- Cloud-based storage devices
- Amazon S3 cloud-based storage
- Google cloud-based storage
- Microsoft Azure cloud-based storage
- Private cloud-based storage
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- Cloud deduplication storage device
- Requirements for configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
- About the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
- Generic S3 Configurator
- OpenStorage devices
- Microsoft 365
- OneDrive plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Exchange plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- SharePoint plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Teams plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Tape storage
- Robotic libraries in Backup Exec
- Creating robotic library partitions
- Managing tapes
- Creating media sets for tapes
- Labeling tape media
- Default media vaults
- Storage device pools
- Storage operations
- Conversion to virtual machines
- Configuration and settings
- Configuring parallel streams and job settings for Microsoft 365
- Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
- Using Backup Exec with firewalls
- Deleting DBA-initiated job templates
- Backup Exec logon accounts
- Reports
- Creating a custom report
- List of Backup Exec standard reports
- Instant Cloud Recovery
- Preconfigurations to be completed in the Azure portal
- GDPR Guard
- Troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Troubleshooting failed components in the SAN
- Generating a diagnostic file for troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
- Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
- Preparing to recover from a disaster by using Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Performing manual disaster recovery
- Forever Incremental Backup
- Appendix A. Backup Exec Agent for Windows
- About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
- Appendix B. Backup Exec Deduplication Feature
- Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
- Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
- Appendix C. Backup Exec Agent for VMware
- About establishing trust for a vCenter/ESX(i) server
- Backing up VMware virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for VMware virtual machines
- Appendix D. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
- Backing up Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for Hyper-V virtual machines
- Appendix E. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
- Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
- Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
- Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
- About SQL Server Always On availability groups
- Appendix F. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
- Backing up Exchange data
- Appendix G. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
- Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
- Appendix H. Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows or Linux Servers
- Configuring the Oracle Agent on Windows computers and Linux servers
- Configuring an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- Viewing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
- About backing up Oracle databases
- About restoring Oracle resources
- Appendix I. Backup Exec Agent for Enterprise Vault
- About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
- Restoring Enterprise Vault
- About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
- Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
- About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
- About the Partition Recovery Utility
- Appendix J. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
- Appendix K. Backup Exec Central Admin Server Feature
- About installing the Central Admin Server feature
- What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
- About job delegation in CAS
- How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
- How centralized restore works in CAS
- Appendix L. Backup Exec Advanced Disk-based Backup Feature
- Appendix M. Backup Exec NDMP Feature
- About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
- Viewing the properties of an NDMP server
- Viewing storage properties for an NDMP server
- Appendix N. Backup Exec File Servers
- Appendix O. Backup Exec Agent for Linux and Unix
- About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
- Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
- About backing up a Linux and Unix computer by using the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About restoring data to Linux and Unix computers
- Editing the default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
- Uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
Limitations of Microsoft 365
The following limitations are observed because of API restrictions from Microsoft 365, Microsoft, and Backup Exec:
When you select the
option, from the folder only missing items can be restored. Existing items in the folder cannot be overwritten.After restores, folder permissions for some folders (especially calendar folders), are not reflected on the Exchange Online server intermittently.
When you select the
option, for an item available in a Public Folder, a duplicate is created instead of replacing an existing item.When you select the
check box, the item-level changes may not be updated in the immediate incremental backup. The changes are updated in subsequent backups.Backup Exec does not back up or restore mailbox-level properties for Exchange Online.
In Backup Exec, a previously deleted item that was created during restore to Exchange Online is counted as a new mailbox item. If you run the same restore job again, a duplicate of the item is created.
Backup Exec does not back up the Journal mailbox for Exchange Online.
For Exchange Online folders, permissions once backed up in the full backup are not backed up again. This is due to an Exchange Online API limitation.
While restoring data to Exchange Online sometimes an
error is displayed. In this scenario, restore the item to an alternate location.
Folder size may not be updated if you make changes to the contents of the OneDrive folder, and then take backup immediately.
OneDrive recycle bin contents are not protected.
Permissions that are related to links giving access to OneDrive items are not protected.
Properties of a OneDrive item that is created by a non-OneDrive user are not protected.
OneNote redirect restore to a document library of the same user or group is not supported.
In-place restore of OneNote to a non-default document library of a user or group is not supported. In this scenario, you can restore to file system.
Document library other than the default, which does not have English names, always displays English names. For example, doc1, doc2, and so on.
If files and folders are shared with others users, then after restore on the shared tab in the other users' account, it shows that files or folders are shared by SharePoint App instead of the name of the user who shared the files.
Groups that are created from admin center are not displayed in OneDrive and hence in Backup Exec also groups are not displayed.
OneNote Notebook section sequence is not maintained during restore.
OneNote Notebook in Azure China region is not protected.
Direct Access permissions may not be backed up or restored correctly. This is a rare scenario when Graph API does not return correct permissions during backup.
Sender of the item invite is displayed as SharePoint App user after restoring Direct Access permissions.
For OneDrive incremental backups, only if the permissions of a folder change, it is not backed up.
OneDrive restore operation may fail if you have some special characters in the User Principal Name (UPN). You can restore user OneDrive to a local file system, to access the contents.
OneDrive documents that are protected by a compliance policy and contain sensitive information are skipped during backup without displaying an error. For example, GDPR policy protects personal information, financial information, such as credit card data and account information is protected by a finance policy.
Backup Exec does not create SharePoint sites, sub sites, lists, document libraries, or pages. You must create them directly in the SharePoint site. Backup Exec only restores the items and folders within the sites, subsites, or lists.
For task list items, tasks and sub-tasks, parent and child relationship is not maintained for already deleted items.
If there is a network error during the backup, run incremental backups to backup failed or remaining files.
If you restore a deleted item multiple times, it can create duplicates.
Backup Exec only restores the latest copies of document library items on SharePoint Online. On the local system, all versions can be restored.
During restore of SharePoint items, when moderation and approval settings are enabled, the
, , and values are not the same as the backup values. The moderation status is approved after restore. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.If you delete any discussion list after backup, during restore the following is observed:
Any parent child relationships are not maintained for the discussion list.
Any properties given to the replies in the discussion post are not restored.
Any hashtags that you created are not restored.
For a Community Site, discussion lists hashtag (Taxonomy Field) fields are not restored.
A restore job does not remove or update attachments in existing list items, which are not available during backup.
If the attachments already exist, they are retained.
SharePoint cannot restore site level lookup columns. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.
Any comments given on news items are not backed up or restored by Backup Exec.
Compliance Policy Center is not supported for backup or restore. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.
If files or folders are shared between users, reference of the shared files are backed up the actual file is not backed up. During recovery, the reference is also not restored and you need to share the files again.
Backup Exec does not back up a file or item does not have a checked in version and a warning message is displayed. Backup Exe does not protect a checked out version of a file or item and no warning message is displayed.
At the time of backup, if there are checked out and checked in versions of a file or item, only the checked in version is backed up.
tab displays a site by the name, that is backed up and restored. The Team site is available by default with Microsoft 365 SharePoint tenant, but the site is not visible in the SharePoint Admin Center.File system restore creates a directory structure using the path in the item URL. If the list name does not match with the name given in the URL, the directory name created during file system restore does not match with the list name.
For example: List named "Microfeed" is restored under the directory "Publishfeed".
File System and the folders are restored as:
"Documents" > "Shared Documents"
"Composed Looks" > "_catalogs/design"
"Converted Forms" > "IWConverted Forms"
"Form Templates > "FormServerTemplates"
"List Template Gallery" > "_catalogs/It"
"Master Page Gallery" > "_catalogs/masterpage"
"Solution Gallery" > "_catalogs/solutions"
"Theme Gallery" > "_catalogs/theme"
"User Information List" > "_catalogs/users"
"Web Part Gallery" > "_catalogs/wp"
If the read operation of an item fails due to a network error, file download cannot be resumed because of an MS_API limitation for older versions. The next backup job attempts to run the failed versions again.
For a repeated event if any occurrences of the event are deleted or modified, the
option does not restore the event.
Backup and restore of group chats and personal chats in Teams is not supported.
Note the following limitations for backup and restore of the private channel:
Private channel sites are not backed up in Teams backup.
During posts restore, if the private channel site exists, the attachment links to the site works. In a disaster recovery scenario, the links do not work as the private channel site contents are not backed up and restored.
Restore of posts to a tab in the private channel works. The generated file with posts is uploaded to the existing private channel site or in a disaster recovery scenario, a newly created private channel site.
Restore of posts to a file system works for private channels similar to how it works for public channels.
Permissions and settings of the private channel cannot be restored because of the Microsoft API limitations.
Private channel SharePoint site contents are not backed up, which means files shared in private channels are not backed up. After the restore is completed, if there is a link in a post that refers to a file shared in a private channel, it is valid only if the file exists.
Backup and restore of Shared Channels are not supported.
Microsoft does not support Teams in the Azure China region. Backup Exec also has no support for Teams in this region.
If a channel is deleted from Teams, it remains in deleted items for 21 days. A channel with the same name cannot be created for this duration. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.
If there is a requirement to restore the channel data or settings within the 21 days, you must manually restore the channel from Teams deleted channels and then run the restore job. The job log contains more information.
There may be an issue while opening the Teams channel conversations HTML file which is restored and attached to a channel tab. This issue is because of the way Microsoft caches the files. Ensure that you have sufficient space on the system drive and try the operation again.
Some settings in conversations (background image and formatting of the announcement's headline and so on) are not backed up and restored because of the limitations of the Microsoft Graph API.
Some Teams settings may not get backed up and restored (Team Code, Tags, Hie Team, Show Team, and so on). This is because the graph API used to take backups of Teams settings does not have the provision to retrieve these values.
Some channel settings (permissions and notifications) may not get backed up and restored because Microsoft Graph API does not have the provision to retrieve the related details.
Microsoft Graph API cannot retrieve or back up deleted Teams channels.
After disaster recovery, contents of Wiki tabs are not available. You must click on the restored Wiki tab and then restore its contents separately. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.
The OneNote tab links in a Teams channel are not retained in disaster recovery scenarios. The newly created OneNote tab is not configurable as given by Microsoft in the following link:
After the restore is completed, you must create a OneNote tab and associate the restored Notebook with it. You can find the restored notebook on the Teams SharePoint site.
Restore of archived Teams is only supported in case of disaster recovery. In place restore of archived Teams is not supported.
In case of disaster recovery, although the documents and files are restored, the custom teams tab cannot access them. You can access the documents or files from the
tab.Incremental backups do not capture an updated reaction on a post.
Restore-browse view for Teams Wiki is not displayed with parent-child hierarchy for Wiki items.
Teams Wiki page and section order is not maintained after restore.
The Teams code used for joining a Teams channel directly is not protected. This is due to a Microsoft API limitation.
The following Teams setting is not protected:
. This is due to a Microsoft limitation.If the
tab is deleted after backup and then the restore operation is run, a new tab is created in each restore session with the same name until next backup is performed.In case of disaster recovery, the tab with documents or files displays the following message:
.Teams meeting related data such as the details, recording, and so on are not restored.
Date range-based backup and restore of Teams posts are run based on created date and last modified date received in the Microsoft Graph API response.
Deleted post messages are available in the restore browse view, but deleted replies are not available.
After disaster recovery as the Teams private channel site is not automatically created, the private channel conversation restore fails. This is a limitation from Microsoft. In a disaster recovery scenario, click the files tab of the Private channel to create the channel site and then restore private channel conversation again.
Embedded images, stickers and code snippets present in Teams posts may not get backed up if the size is greater than 8 MB. This is due to a Backup Exec limitation.