NetBackup™ Cloud Administrator's Guide
- About NetBackup cloud storage
- About the cloud storage
- About the Amazon S3 cloud storage API type
- About protecting data in Amazon for long-term retention
- Protecting data using Amazon's cloud tiering
- About using Amazon IAM roles with NetBackup
- Protecting data with Amazon Snowball and Amazon Snowball Edge
- About Microsoft Azure cloud storage API type
- About OpenStack Swift cloud storage API type
- Configuring cloud storage in NetBackup
- Scalable Storage properties
- Cloud Storage properties
- About the NetBackup CloudStore Service Container
- About the NetBackup media servers for cloud storage
- Configuring a storage server for cloud storage
- NetBackup cloud storage server properties
- Configuring a storage unit for cloud storage
- Changing cloud storage disk pool properties
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Operational notes
- Troubleshooting
- About unified logging
- About legacy logging
- Troubleshooting cloud storage configuration issues
- Troubleshooting cloud storage operational issues
Post backup procedures if you have used S3 API interface
After backups are imported into the cloud bucket, perform the following steps before restore:
Update the custom instance service host to real endpoint. Also change the HTTP port and region values.
(Exception) You cannot update a custom instance for AWS default regions because they are in use by the default-shipped cloud storage instances of NetBackup. Such regions include AWS China Beijing Region, AWS China Ningxia Region, AWS US-East region), AWS GovCloud-US-West and US-East region. For such regions, follow these steps. You can also follow these steps if you encounter an error for unique host name.
Keep the saved storage properties handy.
Remove the storage server. Run the following command:
csconfig cldinstance -rs -in cloud storage instance name -sts storage server name
See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Add a new storage server with the same name, under the default storage instance (,,, etc.) or the storage instance corresponding to the bucket region. Run the following command to the find the instance:
csconfig cldinstance -i
Run the following command to add the storage server:
csconfig cldinstance -as -in Cloud Storage Instance name -sts storage server name -obj_size size in bytes
See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Ensure that the object size is accurate and same as the storage server that is created.
Also ensure that you have configured the SSL settings as per your requirements.
Make sure the SSL setting for storage server as expected. You can verify and update the properties from the
dialog box.See “To change associated cloud storage server host properties”.
[For Amazon Snowball Edge device only] Update credentials for each storage server with the Amazon account credentials. Run the following command:
tpconfig -update -storage_server storage server name -stype storage server type -sts_user_id [user ID] -password password
See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Verify and update the OFFLINE_TRANSFER_MODE storage server property to NONE.
Perform the restore and verify the data.
Activate policies or activate the secondary operation processing in the SLP .