Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 User's Guide: Linux Edition

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (18.0.3)
  1. Introducing Veritas™ System Recovery for Linux
      About Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition
  2. Installing Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition
    1. Before you install
        System requirements
        Installing Fuse
        About supported file systems and removable media
        When you delay licensing
      About upgrading to Veritas System Recovery 18 Linux Edition
      Installing Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition
  3. Backing up a Linux computer
      About backing up a Linux computer
      Viewing the details of the disk that you want to back up
      Performing an independent backup
    4. Scheduling a backup
        Viewing the details of existing backup jobs
        Recovery point type options
        Compression level options
        Encryption type options
        Scheduling options for starting a new recovery point set (base recovery point)
        Scheduling options for creating recovery points (incremental recovery points)
        Scheduling options for an independent recovery point
      Running an existing backup job
  4. Restoring a Linux computer
      About recovering a Linux computer
      Starting a Linux-based computer using Veritas Recovery Disk
    3. Recovering a Linux computer
        About restoring to empty disk segments
      Mounting and unmounting a recovery point for granular file and folder recovery
  5. Creating a Veritas Recovery Disk
      About Veritas Recovery Disk
      Creating a Veritas Recovery Disk for Linux
  6. Features not supported in Veritas System Recovery for Linux
      Windows product features not supported in this release
  7. Troubleshooting Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition
      About finding logs for troubleshooting
      About using the gatherLogs utility for troubleshooting
      About troubleshooting cron services issues
  8. Appendix A. Veritas System Recovery for Linux Utilities
      Create Veritas Recovery Disk (createSRD utility)
      Backup and Restore (symsr utility)
      Granular File Recovery (mount.v2i utility)

Scheduling a backup

Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition lets you schedule backups on a Linux computer. It provides a command line interface that lets you set the backup options and specify a schedule to run the backups.

While scheduling backups, you can choose to create the following types of recovery points:

  • Independent recovery point

    Creates a complete, independent backup of the specified volumes or comma-separated multiple volumes.

  • Recovery point set

    Creates a base recovery point and additional recovery points that contain the incremental changes that are made to the specified volumes or comma-separated multiple volumes

To schedule a backup using Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition

  1. At the Linux server, log on as user root or a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Enter the following command in a terminal window to start the schedule backup wizard:

    symsr -createjob


    To exit the wizard, type q, Q, or Quit at any prompt other than the Select the source prompt or the Select destination prompt.

  3. At the Select the source prompt, type the path of the volume block device or the mount point that you want to back up.

    You can provide multiple devices or mount points by using a comma (,) separator.

  4. At the Select destination prompt, type the location where you want to create the recovery points.
  5. At the Create machine specific folder prompt, type a y if you want to create a computer-specific folder in the backup destination.

    This option is useful if you use the same backup destination for multiple computers. When you back up a computer, its recovery points are stored in the folder specific to that computer.

  6. At the Select recovery point type prompt, enter an appropriate option to specify the type of recovery point you want to create.

    See Recovery point type options.

  7. At the Select compression level prompt, enter an appropriate option to set a compression level for the recovery points.

    See Compression level options.

  8. At the Select encryption type prompt, enter an appropriate option to encrypt recovery point data or protect recovery point data using a password.

    See Encryption type options.

  9. At the Backup schedule prompt, enter appropriate options to specify a schedule to run the backups.

    The backup schedule options vary depending on the recovery point type you have selected.

    See Scheduling options for starting a new recovery point set (base recovery point).

    See Scheduling options for creating recovery points (incremental recovery points).

    See Scheduling options for an independent recovery point.

  10. At the Verify recovery point after creation prompt, type a y if you want to test whether the recovery point is valid or corrupt after it is created.
  11. Review the backup job summary and then at the Save Job prompt, type a y to save the backup job.
  12. At the Provide job name prompt, enter a name for the backup job.

    After you save a backup job, it is available in the system. You can view the details of the existing backups jobs if required.

    See Viewing the details of existing backup jobs.