Veritas NetBackup™ Administrator's Guide, Volume II
- NetBackup licensing models and the nbdeployutil utility
- How capacity licensing works
- Creating and viewing the licensing report
- Reviewing a capacity licensing report
- Reconciling the capacity licensing report results
- Reviewing a traditional licensing report
- Reviewing an NEVC licensing report
- Additional configuration
- About dynamic host name and IP addressing
- About busy file processing on UNIX clients
- About the Shared Storage Option
- About configuring the Shared Storage Option in NetBackup
- Viewing SSO summary reports
- About the vm.conf configuration file
- Holds Management
- Menu user interfaces on UNIX
- About the tpconfig device configuration utility
- About the NetBackup Disk Configuration Utility
- Reference topics
- Host name rules
- About reading backup images with nbtar or tar32.exe
- Factors that affect backup time
- NetBackup notify scripts
- Media and device management best practices
- About TapeAlert
- About tape drive cleaning
- How NetBackup reserves drives
- About SCSI persistent reserve
- About the SPC-2 SCSI reserve process
- About checking for data loss
- About checking for tape and driver configuration errors
- How NetBackup selects media
- About Tape I/O commands on UNIX
bpend_notify script (UNIX clients)
To receive a notification whenever a UNIX client completes a backup or an archive operation, copy the following file from the server:
On Windows:
Then place the file in the following location on the UNIX client:
Modify the script and ensure that you have permission to run the script.
The bpend_notify script is run when the client is finished sending data, but the server has not yet completed writing to media.
Ensure that other administrators can run the notify scripts after they are modified. To do so, run chmod ugo+rx script_name, where script_name is the name of the script.
The bpend_notify script runs each time a backup or archive completes. For archives, it runs after the backup but before the files are removed.
If bpend_notify exists, it runs in the foreground and bpbkar on the client waits until it completes. Any commands that do not end with an ampersand character (&) run serially.
The server expects the client to respond within the time that the BPEND_TIMEOUT NetBackup configuration option specifies. The default for BPEND_TIMEOUT is 300.
If the script needs more than 300 seconds, set BPEND_TIMEOUT to a larger value. Avoid too large a value because it can delay the server from servicing other clients.
NetBackup passes the following parameters to the script:
clientname | Specifies the name of the client from the NetBackup catalog. |
policyname | Specifies the policy name from the NetBackup catalog. |
schedname | Specifies the schedule name from the NetBackup catalog. |
schedtype | Specifies one of the following: FULL, INCR (differential incremental), CINC (cumulative incremental), UBAK, UARC |
exitstatus | Specifies the exit code from bpbkar. The status is the client status and does not indicate that the backup is complete and successful. The client can display a status 0 when, due to a failure on the server, the All Log Entries report displays a status 84. |
The bpend_notify script also runs for NetBackup catalog backups if a .policyname[.schedule] is not specified.
For example:
bpend_notify client1 pol_1 fulls FULL 0 bpend_notify client2 pol_1 incrementals INCR 73
To create a bpend_notify script for a specific policy or policy and schedule combination, create script files with a .policyname or .policyname.schedulename suffix. The following are two examples of script names for a policy that is named production with a schedule that is named fulls:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpend_notify.production /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpend_notify.production.fulls
The first script affects all scheduled backups in the policy production. The second script affects scheduled backups in the policy production only when the schedule is named fulls.
For a given backup, NetBackup uses only one bpend_notify script and that is the one with the most specific name. For example, if there are both bpend_notify.production and bpend_notify.production.fulls scripts, NetBackup uses only bpend_notify.production.fulls.
The bpend_notify script can use the following environment variables:
The NetBackup bpbkar process creates these variables. The following are examples of the strings that are available to the script for use to record information about a backup:
BACKUPID=client1_0857340526 UNIXBACKUPTIME=0857340526 BACKUPTIME=Sun Mar 2 16:08:46 2011
The following environment variables can be used for the support of multiple data streams.
Table: Environment variables used for support of multiple data streams
Environment variable | Description |
STREAM_NUMBER | Specifies the stream number. The first stream from a policy, client, and schedule is 1. A 0 value indicates that multiple data streams are not enabled. |
STREAM_COUNT | Specifies the total number of streams to be generated from this policy, client, and schedule. |
STREAM_PID | Specifies the PID (process ID) number of bpbkar. |
FINISHED | Specifies the status of the checkpointed restarts of backup jobs. A value of 0 indicates that the client was not finished sending all of the data. A value of 1 indicates that the client was finished sending all of the data. |