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Veritas NetBackup™ Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1.2)
- Introduction to NetBackup Master Server Clustering
- NetBackup in a Windows Server Failover Clustering
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on UNIX/Linux
- About preinstallation checklist for a NetBackup failover server installation on VCS on Unix\Linux
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on Windows
- NetBackup in a Solaris Cluster
- Configuring NetBackup
- Operational notes
- Appendix A. NetBackup master server in a cluster using multiple interfaces
NetBackup resource group tuning parameters for Solaris Cluster
When you install or upgrade NetBackup on Solaris Clusters, make the following changes to the NetBackup resource group tuning parameters to ensure a successful failover:
Increase the STOP_TIMEOUT parameter from the default of 300 seconds to at least 600 seconds.
Set the pmf Retry_count parameter to 0.
To accomplish these changes, use the following commands:
# scrgadm -c -j scnb-hars -y Retry_count=0
# scrgadm -c -j scnb-hars -y STOP_TIMEOUT=600
# scswitch -n -j scnb-hars
# scswitch -e -j scnb-hars
Running these commands causes shutdown and restart of NetBackup.