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Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.3)
- Introducing Compliance Accelerator
- Product documentation
- Introducing the Compliance Accelerator client
- Setting up employees and employee groups
- Working with departments
- Implementing Chinese Walls security
- Managing exception employees
- Grouping departments into partitions
- Using attributes to classify departments
- Searching for items
- About searching with Compliance Accelerator
- Building Compliance Accelerator search schedules
- Using hotwords to search for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
- Escalating items
- Working with research folders
- Exporting items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Available Compliance Accelerator reports
- About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
- Appendix A. Customizing Compliance Accelerator
- Setting Compliance Accelerator system configuration options
- Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Appendix C. Troubleshooting
- Issues with Compliance Accelerator reports
About the intelligent review feature in Compliance Accelerator
The intelligent review feature is one of the principal new features in Compliance Accelerator. When reviewers mark items as relevant or irrelevant, Compliance Accelerator can learn from their actions to sample or search for further items in a more focused way. For example, after a reviewer has marked a spam message or out-of-office reply as irrelevant then, when Compliance Accelerator detects other items that have similar characteristics, it can automatically discard them or lower their priority level. Over time, fewer irrelevant items should appear in the review set.
You can implement the intelligent review feature on individual Compliance Accelerator departments.