Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Introducing Veritas Surveillance
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
- Searching within the review set
- Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Available Discovery Accelerator reports
- Accessing reports through the OData web service
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
Configuring a Power BI template for reporting
Discovery Accelerator provides predefined Power BI Templates that consume Reporting API endpoints to view interactive reports. Power BI templates are pre-defined, reusable report designs or blueprints created within Power BI for analytics purposes. These templates serve as starting points for creating consistent and visually appealing reports and dashboards.
All control elements within the Power BI report are interactive, allowing for clicking to filter, highlight, and drill-down into the report. When any element of the report is clicked, all other graphs, tiles, and more, dynamically update to display data relevant to the clicked element. The clickable elements encompass a variety of components, including (but not limited to):
Filters (for example, Departments lists)
Check boxes
Data bars/columns on charts
Data labels on charts
Axis labels on charts
Before you begin working with the Power BI Templates in Discovery Accelerator, ensure that you have the Microsoft Power BI Desktop application installed on your computer.
To configure a Power BI Template
- In the left navigation pane of Discovery Accelerator console, select Configuration > Reporting Endpoint tab.
- Click PowerBI Templates to download the PowerBITemplates.zip file that contains PowerBI templates.
- Open the TEMPLATE - Item Metrics.pbit file, and specify the following details:
Endpoint Base URL
Enter the REST API endpoint URL. For example, https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>
Capture Date Start
CaptureDate is the date on which items are captured or ingested in Discovery Accelerator is recorded as the CaptureDate for that item.
This filter specifies the start date for returning count of items whose CaptureDate is greater than or equal to this start date.
Date format: yyyy-mm-dd
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is CaptureDateStart.
Capture Date End
This filter specifies the end date for returning count of items whose CaptureDate is greater than or equal to this date.
Date format: yyyy-mm-dd
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is CaptureDateEnd.
- Click Load.
The application prompts you several times to provide appropriate credentials when querying Reporting API for each report.
- Select the appropriate authentication mechanism to access Reporting API.
These authentication credentials are cached by Power BI for future use and can be managed by clicking File > Options and settings > Data source settings.
- Wait till the Power BI Desktop uses the provided filter values to generate queries and fetch OData reports from the Discovery Accelerator Server specified. This step may take a while depending on the amount of data that is being retrieved from the server.
Upon successful processing, the application displays a report for the retrieved data.