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Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.3)
- Introducing Compliance Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
- Escalating items
- Working with research folders
- Exporting items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Available Compliance Accelerator reports
- About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
Compliance Supervisor Responsibility report
The Compliance Supervisor Responsibility report lists the departments for which each compliance supervisor is responsible. For each of these departments, the report also lists the reviewers in the department.
This report provides the following information for each of the selected compliance supervisors.
Table: Fields in the Compliance Supervisor Responsibility report
This field | Shows |
Department | The departments in which the user is a compliance supervisor. |
Reviewer | The reviewers in each department. |
On Behalf Of | If appropriate, the principal reviewers for whom each reviewer is a delegate. |