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Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.1)
- Introducing Compliance Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
- Escalating items
- Working with research folders
- Exporting items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Available Compliance Accelerator reports
- About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
Escalating items
Compliance Accelerator lets you escalate an item that you are reviewing to one or more higher authorities, called escalation reviewers, for further attention. After you have escalated an item, you can continue to perform the reviewing actions on it that your permissions allow. For example, if you have the required permissions, you can assign a review mark or add a comment to an escalated item. However, you cannot escalate the item again until an escalation reviewer chooses to close the escalation.
All escalated items are visible to all escalation reviewers.
You must have the Escalate Messages permission to escalate items. By default, department reviewers and exception reviewers have this permission.
To escalate an item
- In the Review pane, select one or more items that you want to escalate.
- Click the Escalate button at the bottom right of the pane.
- Enter or select the reason for the escalation in the Comment box.
- Select one or more escalation reviewers to whom you want to assign the items. If you choose the [Default] option, Compliance Accelerator assigns the items to the default nominees for escalations within the department.
- Click OK.