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Veritas NetBackup™ for Oracle Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (, 9.0)
- Introduction
- NetBackup for Oracle QuickStart
- Installing NetBackup for Oracle
- About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX
- Oracle policy configuration
- Preparing for NetBackup for Oracle configuration
- Instance management for an Oracle Intelligent Policy
- About Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)
- About script- or template-based Oracle policies
- About adding backup selections to an Oracle policy
- About configuring the run-time environment
- About creating templates and shell scripts
- About creating RMAN scripts manually
- Performing backups and restores of Oracle
- About NetBackup for Oracle backups
- About NetBackup for Oracle restores
- Using NetBackup for Oracle in a Microsoft Windows cluster environment
- Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- About NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- How NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for Oracle
- Restoring NetBackup for Oracle from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for Oracle block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- About Snapshot Client effects
- About Oracle support for Replication Director
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting RMAN backup or restore errors
- Appendix A. Deduplication best practices
- Appendix B. Snapshot Client support of SFRAC
- Appendix C. Script-based block-level incremental (BLI) backups without RMAN on UNIX and Linux systems
- Verifying installation requirements for BLI backups without RMAN
- Creating NetBackup policies for script-based BLI backup
- Creating notify scripts for BLI backups
- Performing backups and restores
- About troubleshooting backup or restore errors
- Appendix D. XML Archiver
- NetBackup for Oracle XML export and XML import
- About XML export templates and shell scripts
- Performing an XML export archive
- Restoring an XML export archive
- Troubleshooting XML export or XML import errors
- Appendix E. Register authorized locations
User-directed backup or restore from the Windows client
This section explains the process to prepare a Microsoft Cluster environment for a user-directed backup or restore operation.
When performing user-directed backups, make sure that you are on the node that owns the shared drive where the Oracle database is installed.
When user-directed client restores are performed with different configuration options of NetBackup failover media servers and a UNIX or Windows master server, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
To perform a user-directed backup or restore from the client
- Take the clustered Oracle database instance offline.
- Shut down and then startup the database in mount state.
The sequence is necessary to perform administrative tasks like backup and recovery. Use the svrmgrl or sqlplus utility from Oracle. At the command line, type the following:
Shutdown option [normal, abort, immediate] startup mount
- Perform the backup or recovery.
- Bring the Oracle database online with failsafe after the desired backup or restore is complete. The database is then enabled to fail over between the configured cluster of nodes.