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Veritas NetBackup™ for Oracle Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1)
- Introduction
- NetBackup for Oracle QuickStart
- Installing NetBackup for Oracle
- About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX
- Oracle policy configuration
- Preparing for NetBackup for Oracle configuration
- Instance management for an Oracle Intelligent Policy
- About Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)
- About script- or template-based Oracle policies
- About adding backup selections to an Oracle policy
- About configuring the run-time environment
- About creating templates and shell scripts
- About creating RMAN scripts manually
- Performing backups and restores of Oracle
- About NetBackup for Oracle backups
- About NetBackup for Oracle restores
- Using NetBackup for Oracle in a Microsoft Windows cluster environment
- Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- About NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- How NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for Oracle
- Restoring NetBackup for Oracle from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for Oracle block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- About Snapshot Client effects
- About Oracle support for Replication Director
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting RMAN backup or restore errors
- Appendix A. Real Application Clusters
- Appendix B. Best practices for protecting Oracle RAC with NetBackup
- Appendix C. Deduplication best practices
- Appendix D. Snapshot Client support of SFRAC
- Appendix E. Script-based block-level incremental (BLI) backups without RMAN on UNIX and Linux systems
- Verifying installation requirements for BLI backups without RMAN
- Creating NetBackup policies for script-based BLI backup
- Creating notify scripts for BLI backups
- Performing backups and restores
- About troubleshooting backup or restore errors
- Appendix F. XML Archiver
- NetBackup for Oracle XML export and XML import
- About XML export templates and shell scripts
- Performing an XML export archive
- Restoring an XML export archive
- Troubleshooting XML export or XML import errors
- Appendix G. Register authorized locations
Sample setup_bli_scripts session
The following sample session shows how to use setup_bli_scripts to create the notify scripts.
#/usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/oracle/bin/setup_bli_scripts Please enter the user name of your Oracle administrator? orac901 ORACLE_BASE is the Oracle environment variable that identifies the directory at the top of the Oracle software and administrative file structure. The value of this variable is typically /MOUNTPOINT/app/oracle Please enter your ORACLE_BASE? /dbhome/oracle/orac901 ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle environment variable that identifies the directory containing the Oracle software for a given Oracle server release. The value of this variable is typically /dbhome/oracle/orac901/product/RELEASE Please enter your ORACLE_HOME? /dbhome/oracle/orac901 sqlplus will be used. The default "connect" statement that will be used to connect to the database is: "connect / as sysdba" Would you like to modify the connect and use a specific login? (y/n) n "connect / as sysdba" will be used. Please enter the Oracle instance (ORACLE_SID) you want to back up? orac901 If you are using a CONFIG.ORA file, you need to specify where it is, so that it can be backed up. If this does not apply apply to your configuration, hit ENTER to go on. If this does apply to your configuration, specify the file path. Typically this would be: /dbhome/oracle/orac901/admin/orac901/pfile/configorac901.ora but this file could not be found. Enter your Oracle config file path or hit ENTER: To back up a copy of the Oracle control file, you need to specify a file path where Oracle can write a copy of the control file. Please enter the file path where Oracle is to write a copy of your control file? /dbhome/oracle/orac901/admin/orac901/pfile/cntrlorac901.ora To back up the Oracle archive logs, you need to specify their location. Enter the directory path to your Oracle archive logs? /dbhome/oracle/orac901/admin/orac901/arch Do you have more archive log locations? (y/n): n Do you want the output of successful executions of the NetBackup scripts mailed to you? y Please enter the mail address to send it to? Do you want the output of unsuccessful executions of the NetBackup scripts mailed to you? y Please enter the mail address to send it to? There are 4 backup methods to choose from: ALTER_TABLESPACE - Use alter tablespace begin backup method NODATA_CKPT_HOT - Use alter tablespace begin backup with nodata ckpts SHUTDOWN_CKPT_RESTART - Shutdown, create the ckpt clones, and restart SHUTDOWN_BKUP_RESTART - Shutdown the DB, backup, and then restart If one of the methods requiring DB shutdown are selected, you may experience problems with timeouts if the database can't be shut down in a timely manner. You may want to change the shutdown command in the notify scripts to shutdown immediate, or you may have to increase the BPSTART_TIMEOUT value in the bp.conf file on the master server, or you may want to change the backup method to ALTER_TABLESPACE or NODATA_CKPT_HOT. Note: the default BPSTART_TIMEOUT value is 300 seconds. Do you want to use the ALTER_TABLESPACE method? y You now need to decide on how many NetBackup policies you will have backing up simultaneously. The first one you enter will be known as the POLICY_IN_CONTROL in the scripts and will perform any needed DB operations. When you create the policies on the NetBackup server, you will have to divide the filesystems between these policies. Please enter the name of the policy that will be the POLICY_IN_CONTROL? BLI_1 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? BLI_2 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? BLI_3 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? BLI_4 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? BLI_5 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? BLI_6 Please enter the name of another policy or DONE to stop? DONE