Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Microsoft Teams Archiving

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Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.0)

Configuring an Importer

The importer downloads Microsoft Teams data to Veritas Enterprise Vault.

  • Ensure that the Teams domain is added to the list of internal SMTP domains for marking the correct message direction (internal or external). Navigate to Site Properties > Advance > SMTP > List of internal SMTP domains to add the Teams domain.

  • Ensure that the connection to configure the importer is available in Enterprise Vault underTargets > Microsoft 365 > Connections.

  • Ensure that the Merge1WebHookPool application pool identity is set as Enterprise Vault Service Account under IIS Manager > Application Pools on the Enterprise Vault server.

  • Ensure that Anonymous Authentication is enabled for the Merge1WebHook application under IIS Manager > Default Web Site > EnterpriseVault > Merge1WebHook > Authentication on the Enterprise Vault server.

  • Be aware of the Vault Store you want to use for the importer.

  • Be aware of the log folder path of the Merge1 server where the Merge1 importer logs are written. The log folder path must be a local path on the Merge1 server.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent is registered using the domain user in the same domain. It is recommended that you use the Enterprise Vault Service Account to register the Merge1 agent. However, if you already have registered Merge1 agent with a non-Enterprise Vault Service Account, you can continue using this account, provided it is the same domain user.

    You must add the Merge1 agent user to the following security policies on the Merge1 agent server:

    • Log on as Service rights

    • Log on as a batch job right

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has been added to the local Administrators group on the Merge1 server.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has been assigned the db_owner permissions on the Merge1 database.

  • Ensure that the Enterprise Vault server administrator (Vault Service account, Power Administrator,Microsoft 365 Administrator, and RBA role member) account has been added to the local Administrators group on the Merge1 server.

  • Ensure that the Teams holding folder in the Enterprise Vault server is available to receive the Microsoft Teams data. The holding folder path can be a local or remote path to the Enterprise Vault server. The holding folder must be a shared folder so that the Merge1 server and the Enterprise Vault server can access it.

  • Ensure that the Vault Service account has Full control security permission on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that the Enterprise Vault server administrator (Vault Service account, Power Administrator, Microsoft 365 Administrator, and RBA role member) account has the Change, Read sharing permissions on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has the Change, Read sharing permissions on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has the Modify security permission on the Teams holding folder.

  • While creating an importer in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, enter the shared folder path by copying and pasting it into the Holding folder field.


For collecting legacy data and daily data, it is recommended that you create two separate importers. The administrator must manually start the Teams Archiving Task to collect both legacy and daily data. For legacy data collection, the administrator must allow the importer to download data for a few days and then start the Teams Archiving Task either in the Run now or Schedule mode. See Managing Teams archiving tasks for more information about the Run now and Schedule modes.

About Holding Folder

The holding folder is the folder where Merge1 will dump the Microsoft Teams data and Enterprise Vault pick that data for the archiving.

The holding folder path must comply with the following conditions:

  • The folder is recommended to be on a local drive to the EV Server.

  • The folder should be excluded from virus scanning. Scanning the holding folder can cause the corruption of items, performance issues, and data loss.

  • The folder must be a shared folder and must be specified in UNC path format where-ever asked.

  • The maximum permitted length of folder path is (140 - importer's Name length) characters.

  • Ensure that the Enterprise Vault server administrator (Vault Service Account/Power Administrator/Microsoft 365 Administrator RBA role member) account has the 'Change, Read' sharing permissions on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has the 'Change, Read' sharing permissions on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that Vault Service Account has the 'Full control' security permission on the Teams holding folder.

  • Ensure that the Merge1 agent user account has the 'Modify' security permission on the Teams holding folder.

Configure holding folder on a server other than the Enterprise Vault server
  • The machine to be configured for holding Teams chat data must be in the same domain as the Enterprise Vault server.

  • While creating Importer in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, enter the shared folder path by copying and pasting it into the Holding folder field.

This configuration allows notification requests to be received correctly from the Merge1 server to the Enterprise Vault server and the chat items segregation process is triggered successfully.

To create an importer
  1. In the left pane of the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, click Targets > Microsoft 365 > Importers.

  2. To create a new importer, right-click on Importers and select New > Importers.

  3. In the New Importer wizard, click Next.

  4. Enter the following details in the corresponding text boxes and click Next:

    • Enter an appropriate and unique name for the new importer.

    • Enter an appropriate description for the new importer.

  5. Select the following and click Next:

    • Microsoft 365 connection: From the dropdown list, select connection.

    • Holding folder: Select the Microsoft Teams holding folder path to receive the Microsoft Teams data

    • Log folder: Select the location of the log folder of the Merge1 server where the Merge1 importer logs are written.

  6. Specify the users whose data will be collected by the importer:

    • To collect data for all users, select All users.

    • To collect data for specific users, select Manually maintain the list.

      To manually enter email IDs and display names of specific users, click Add and enter the user details. Click OK.

      To import specific users from a CSV file, click Import and select the CSV file. Click Open.

      Entries in the CSV file should be present in the following format:

      <Email Address1>,<Username1>

      <Email Address2>,<Username2>



  7. Click Next.

  8. Specify the Date Range for which importer will collect the Microsoft Teams data.

    • All Time: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data for all the time without any date filter criteria. It will continuously keep on collecting the Microsoft Teams data whenever data is available.

    • Date Based: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data for the specific date range. If you select this option, you must select at least one of the checkboxes - Collect data generated after and Do not collect data generated after - to specify the date range for data collection.

    • Collect data generated after: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data from a specific date only. Team data prior to this date will not be collected.

    • Do not collect data generated after: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data up to a specific date only. Microsoft Teams data after this date will not be collected.


    Once data for the specific date range is collected we cannot collect the data prior to this date range by modifying it from the importer's properties. Importer will always collect the data from the date where it last collected the data.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select the following:

    • The Teams policy that you want to apply on the importer.

    • The retention category that you want to use for the importer.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Select the Vault Store that you want to use for the importer.


    The Microsoft Teams Archive and the Teams Archiving Task for the importer are created on the same machine where the Vault Store is present.

  13. Review the new importer configurations and click Finish.

To view and update importers
  1. In the left pane of the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, click Targets > Microsoft 365 > Importers.

    The right pane of the Administration Console displays the available importers.

  2. Right-click on an importer to perform the following actions:

    • Enable: Allows you to enable the importer.

    • Disable: Allows you to disable the importer. This is needed to modify the importer's properties and to delete the importer.

    • Run Now: Allows you to run the importer, which will collect the Microsoft Teams data.

    • Delete Allows you to delete the importers. Importer should be in the disabled state to perform this operation.

    • Properties: Allows you to view and update the importer properties. You can double-click on an importer to view and update the properties. For updating the importer properties, importer must be in disabled state. For more information, see the steps below.

  3. To update an importer, double-click on it.


    If you want to update an importer, ensure that the importer is in the disabled state.

    The importer properties dialog box is displayed and contains the following tabs:

    • General: The Details section displays the importer name, description, status, and the Teams archiving task associated with the importer.

      The Settings section displays the Teams archive name and the Teams policy applied on the importer. You can update the settings, if required.

      The Retention section displays the retention category. You can update the retention category settings, if required.

    • Connection and Folders: The Connection section displays the available connections with the Merge1 server on which the importer has been created. You can update the connection, if required.

      The Holding folder section displays the path of the Microsoft Teams holding folder which receives the Microsoft Teams data from the Merge1 server. You can update the holding folder path, if required. Before updating the holding folder location for the importer, perform the following steps:

      Step 1: In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, stop the importer's Teams Archiving task.

      Step 2: Copy the existing content of the current holding folder tree to the new location.

      The Log folder section displays the path of the log folder of the Merge1 server where the Merge1 importer logs are stored. You can update the log folder path, if required.

    • Monitored Users: Specify the users whose data will be collected by the importer:

      • To collect data for all users, select All users.

      • To collect data for specific users, select Manually maintain the list.

        To manually enter email IDs and displays names of specific users, click Add and enter the user details. Click OK.

        To import specific users from a CSV file, click Import and select the CSV file. Click Open.

        Entries in the CSV file should be present in the following format:

        <Email Address1>,<Username1>

        <Email Address2>,<Username2>



    • Date Range: Specify the Date Range for which importer will collect the Microsoft Teams data.

      • All Time: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data for all the time without any date filter criteria. It will continuously keep on collecting the Microsoft Teams data whenever data is available.

      • Date Based: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data for the specific date range. If you select this option, you must select at least one of the checkboxes - Collect data generated after and Do not collect data generated after - to specify the date range for data collection.

      • Collect data generated after: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data from a specific date only. Team data prior to this date will not be collected.

      • Do not collect data generated after: Select this option to collect the Microsoft Teams data up to a specific date only. Microsoft Teams data after this date will not be collected.


      Importer will always collect the data from the date where it last collected the data.

    • Schedule: The configurations to schedule running of the importer.

      The Interval section allows you to select 1 hour or 15 minutes to schedule running of the importer.

      You can also select specific time slots on specific days of the week to schedule running of the importer by clicking on the time scheduler at the bottom of the dialog box.

    • Advanced: Displays the batch size of the Merge1 notifications. The batch size of the number of copied files initiates Merge1 to send notifications to Enterprise Vault. The default batch size is 50.

      Click Modify if you want to change the existing batch.

  4. Click Apply > OK.

  5. If you have updated the holding folder location, perform one of the following actions:

    • Recycle the Merge1WebHookPool in the IIS Manager application pools. Or,

    • Restart the IIS server.

  6. Enable the importer.

  7. Start the corresponding Teams Archiving task.