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Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Microsoft Teams Archiving
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.5)
- About this guide
- Introducing Microsoft Teams Archiving
- Configuring Microsoft Teams Archiving
- Preparing to configure a Microsoft 365 connection
- Managing Teams archiving tasks
Introducing this guide
This guide describes how to set up Enterprise Vault Microsoft Teams archiving to archive conversations from Microsoft Teams.
This guide makes the following assumptions:
You have already installed and configured Microsoft Teams.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Teams documentation.
You have already installed and configured Veritas Merge1 in your environment to collect Microsoft Teams data.
You have already created a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact Veritas Customer Support.
You have already registered Merge1 agent using a domain user.
You are familiar with several Enterprise Vault features, including the Administration Console.
You know how to administer your storage hardware.