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Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Exchange Server Archiving
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.5)
- About this guide
- Distributing Exchange Server Forms
- Setting up archiving from mailboxes
- Points to note before you set up Enterprise Vault mailbox archiving
- Defining Exchange Server mailbox archiving policies
- Mailbox policy settings when setting up Exchange Server archiving
- Mailbox policy settings when setting up Exchange Server archiving
- Defining desktop policies in Exchange Server archiving
- Desktop policy settings in Exchange Server archiving
- Options tab (Exchange Server archiving desktop policy setting)
- Advanced tab (Exchange Server archiving desktop policy setting)
- Desktop policy settings in Exchange Server archiving
- Adding Exchange Server archiving targets
- Using customized shortcuts with Exchange Server archiving
- About editing automatic messages for Exchange Server archiving
- Enabling mailboxes for Exchange Server archiving
- Setting up users' desktops
- Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In for Exchange Server archiving
- Enterprise Vault Client for Mac OS X with Exchange Server archiving
- Getting users started with Exchange Server archiving
- Setting up Vault Cache and Virtual Vault
- Vault Cache synchronization
- Vault Cache header synchronization and content download
- Vault Cache advanced settings
- Virtual Vault advanced settings
- Setting up archiving from public folders
- About public folder policy settings
- Exchange Public Folder policy settings
- Exchange Public Folder policy settings
- Adding public folder archiving targets
- Setting up archiving of journaled messages
- Envelope Journaling
- Setting up Enterprise Vault Office Mail App for Exchange Server 2013 and later
- About the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Deploying the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Troubleshooting the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Setting up Enterprise Vault access for OWA clients on Exchange Server 2010
- About Enterprise Vault functionality in OWA clients
- Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
- Configuring access to Enterprise Vault from Outlook RPC over HTTP clients
- Using firewall software for external access to OWA and Outlook
- Configuring filtering
- About filtering
- Configuring selective journaling
- Configuring group journaling
- Configuring custom filtering
- About custom filtering ruleset files
- About controlling default custom filtering behavior
- About the general format of ruleset files for custom filtering
- About rule actions for custom filtering
- About message attribute filters for custom filtering
- About the general format of Custom Properties.xml
- About content categories
- Defining how custom properties are presented in third party applications
- Custom properties example
DTrace log entries for the example custom filter when configuring custom properties
This section gives examples of the lines in the DTrace log. The lines that are included show the archiving task loading the custom filter, evaluating the appointment item, and applying the rule actions.
In the DTrace log, lines similar to the following show that the example custom filter has loaded successfully.
1167927 06:23:38.027 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV~I Event ID: 45329 External Filter 'EnterpriseVault.CustomFilter' initialising... | 1167950 06:23:38.308 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-M {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Loading Custom Properties from file: \C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ENTERPRISE VAULT\Custom Filter Rules\ Custom Properties.xml 1167951 06:23:38.308 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Loading Custom Property definitions... 1167952 06:23:38.324 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Adding property MSGCLASS [namespace=] 1167953 06:23:38.324 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Adding content categories... 1167954 06:23:38.324 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Adding category MsgClassTest 1167955 06:23:38.324 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Default Category = MsgClassTest 1167956 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Adding presentation applications... 1167957 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV-L {CustomPropertiesDefinition} Adding application search.asp (Locale='1033') 1167958 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Setting DEFAULT Content Category to [MsgClassTest] 1167959 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Adding External Filter 'EnterpriseVault.CustomFilter' to the list for processing| 1167960 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Successfully added External Filter 'EnterpriseVault.CustomFilter'| Calling Initialize 1167961 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Custom Filter initialized on thread. 1167962 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::CreateFilterObject() (Exit) |Success [0] | 1167963 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::InitializeFiltersFromRegistry - MoveOnFilterFailure RegKey: [0x00000000] 1167964 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::InitializeFiltersFromRegistry() (Exit) |Success [0] | 1167965 06:23:38.339 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Successfully enabled external filtering
Lines similar to the following show the appointment is evaluated using the example filter rule, and matches:
1171158 06:23:49.996 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:H [CustomXMLFilter] Custom Filter processing message 'test appointment' 1171159 06:23:49.996 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L ... 1171161 06:23:49.996 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:H [CustomRules][CRuleSet] Getting rule data... ... 1171164 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:H [CustomXMLFilter] New RuleDataXML is now '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <RULE_DATA><DATATYPE NAME="NAMEDPROPERTIES"> <DATA NAME="TAG"><VALUE>MSGCLASS</VALUE> </DATA></DATATYPE> </RULE_DATA>' 1171165 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomXMLFilter] GetMessageNamedProperties - XML RULE Data =' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RULE_DATA><DATATYPE NAME= "NAMEDPROPERTIES"><DATA NAME="TAG"><VALUE>MSGCLASS</VALUE></DATA> </DATATYPE></RULE_DATA>' ... 1171167 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomXMLFilter] GetMessageNamedProperties - Getting Tag = 'MSGCLASS' from custom properties ... 1171169 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::get_MessageClass - Returning 'Original Message Class' = IPm.Appointment 1171170 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomXMLFilter] Custom tag 'MSGCLASS' and name '0x001A', set to IPm.Appointment 1171171 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomXMLFilter] Adding property 'PR_MESSAGE_CLASS (0x001a)' to Items XML. [tag='MSGCLASS', value= 'IPm.Appointment'] 1171172 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CRule] Evaluating item against MBX DIFF_RET_CAT rule... 1171173 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CNamedPropClause] testing against ANY of 1 NamedProps 1171174 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CNamedPropClause] : ipm.appointment MATCHED ipm.appointment 1171175 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CNamedPropClause] match with test ''ipm.appointment'' 1171176 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CNamedPropClause] Named prop clause: MSGCLASS MATCHED ANY PROP Values 1171177 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomRules][CRule] Finished evaluating item against MBX DIFF_RET_CAT rule; matches
Lines similar to the following show the example filter rule actions are applied to the test message:
1171179 06:23:50.058 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Reading MBX DIFF_RET_CAT rule properties... ... 1171181 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Setting recognised ACTION to [1] 1171182 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Setting message content category to [MsgClassTest] ... 1171184 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::get_MessageClass - Returning 'Original Message Class' = IPm.appointment ... 1171187 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L [CustomXMLFilter] Adding property 'PR_MESSAGE_CLASS (0x001a)' to index property set 'MsgClassTest' [tag='MSGCLASS', value='IPm.appointment'] 1171188 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M [CustomXMLFilter] Setting retention category to [167A06CB31E01744F8500E3D54FC80BEC1b10000evsite] 1171189 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning IndexedPropertiesSet = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>|<ARCHIVED_ITEM xmlns:o="urn:kvsplc-com: archived_item" version="1.0"><MSG><PROPSETLIST><PROPSET NAME="MsgClassTest" SEARCH="y" RESULTS="y"><PROP NAME="MSGCLASS"> <VALUE>IPm.appointment</VALUE></PROP></PROPSET> </PROPSETLIST></MSG></ARCHIVED_ITEM>| 1171190 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning Create Shortcut = TRUE 1171191 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning Delete Original = TRUE 1171192 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning Vault Id = 1E5850B2EA77101459FCD56CBC4D3A5871110000evsite 1171193 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning Retention Category = 167A06CB31E01744F8500E3D54FC80BEC 1b10000evsite 1171194 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M Returning Action = 1 1171195 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L CEVFilterController::FilteringCompleted() (Entry) | 1171196 06:23:50.074 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CEVFilterController::FilteringCompleted() (Exit) |Success [0] | ... 1171200 06:23:50.089 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M EF: Item will be archived|Mailbox: /o=EV Training/ ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=VSA|Folder: Calendar| Message: test appointment 1171201 06:23:50.089 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:L CArchivingAgent::ExternalFiltering() (Exit) |Success [0] | 1171202 06:23:50.089 [6860] (ArchiveTask) <17472> EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessItemInternal - After call to ExternalFiltering. RetentionCategory[167A06CB31E01744F8500E3D54FC80BEC1b10000evsite] ArchiveId[1E5850B2EA77101459FCD56CBC4D3A5871110000evsite] ContainingArchiveId[1DF2DFF131A9AFB4EB0B493648330C02B1110000evsite] IndexedPropertiesSet[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>| <ARCHIVED_ITEM xmlns:o="urn:kvsplc-com:archived_item" version="1.0"> <MSG><PROPSETLIST><PROPSET NAME="MsgClassTest" SEARCH="y" RESULTS="y"> <PROP NAME="MSGCLASS"><VALUE>IPm.appointment</VALUE> </PROP></PROPSET></PROPSETLIST></MSG></ARCHIVED_ITEM>|] MessageModified[FALSE] RetryCount[0] [0x00000000]