Using Microsoft Azure Blob Storage and Microsoft Azure Government Cloud as a primary storage for Enterprise Vault
Adding a new partition
To add a new Microsoft Azure Government Cloud or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage partition
- In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Vault Store Groups container to view the existing vault store groups.
- Expand the vault store group that contains the vault store for which you want to create the partition.
- Expand the vault store in which you want to create the partition.
- Right-click the Partitions container, and then click New > Partition. The New Partition wizard starts.
- Click Next.
- Enter all the details for new Vault Store Partition and then Click Next.
- In the Storage type list, select the required storage type for Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage to store primary archived data in the Azure public cloud.
Microsoft Azure Government Cloud to store primary archived data in the Azure Government cloud for US Government Agencies.
- Click Next.
- If you want to store data in WORM mode, select Store data in WORM mode using Microsoft Azure Blob Immutable Storage. This option is cleared by default so that data is stored in non-WORM mode.
WORM mode is not supported for Microsoft Azure China cloud and Microsoft Azure Government cloud.
Ensure the VERSION-LEVEL IMMUTABILITY SUPPORT for the Microsoft Azure Blob Container is configured.
The test functionality for the partition created for Microsoft Azure Blob in WORM mode fails if the clock on the Enterprise Vault server is more than 2 minutes behind the universal clock in the same time zone. If the 'Retention Period' is behind the Microsoft Azure Blob service time, the test functionality may fail to upload the object. You must synchronize the clock on your Enterprise Vault server with the universal clock.
- Click Next.
- Provide the Microsoft Azure Government Cloud or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage connection settings:
Azure environment
(For Microsoft Azure Blob Storage) Specify an Azure environment that includes Azure for global Azure and Azure China for Azure operated in China.
(For Microsoft Azure Government Cloud) Specify the Azure US Government Cloud environment.
Storage account name
Specify a general-purpose storage account or a Blob storage account.
The storage account name cannot be changed once the partition is created.
Access key
Specify the access key ID provided for the Azure storage account.
Container name
Specify where the data will be archived.
The container name cannot be modified once the partition is created.
Access tier
Specify the access tier that allows you to store data. The available access tiers include:
Default - used to infer account-level tiering.
Hot - used if the data is frequently accessed.
Cool - used if the data is infrequently accessed.
For more information, refer to this article.
Write buffer size (MB)
Specify the write buffer size, in the range of 1 MB to 100 MB, to upload data in chunks.
Read buffer size (MB)
Specify the read buffer size, in the range of 1 MB to 100 MB, to download data in chunks.
Log level
Specify the logging level for Azure SDK logs.
Off - Enterprise Vault does not log any Azure SDK logs.
Error - Logs all exceptions that are not handled internally and thrown to the user.
Warning - Logs all exceptions that are handled internally.
Informational - Logs the following information:
Request details, such as URI and client request ID
A timestamp for all important milestones, such as Send Request, Upload Data, Receive Response, and Download Data.
Response details, such as request ID and HTTP status code.
Reason for retrying a failed operation, and schedule of the next retry.
All client-side timeouts about an aborted pending request.
Verbose - Logs extra details about operations, and the String-to-sign for each request.
DTrace logs will include the Azure C#.NET SDK log statements, which can be easily found prefixed with AzureSDKTrace:.
- Click Next.
- On the Replication page, select the required option from the following:
When archived files are replicated on the cloud storage
When archived files exist on the cloud storage
For more information, see the Administration Console help.
If you choose the option When archived files are replicated on the cloud storage, it is crucial to ensure that replication is enabled in the specified storage account and that the replication policy does not exclude any objects. Disabling replication or using filters can significantly increase the number of unsecured items.
- Choose the scan interval for checking if files are replicated on cloud or not.
By default, every 60 minutes, Enterprise Vault checks whether archived data is replicated. If required, you can change the scan interval. If you set the scan interval to 0 minutes, partitions are checked only when the backup mode is cleared from the vault store, and when the storage service starts.
- Click Next.
- Click OK on the warning message box.
- The summary page provides the information for the newly created partition.
For write operations, you can configure the 'RetentionPeriodInHours' registry key to add hours to the Universal current time, creating a new retention period. This registry key is used only when the Enterprise Vault server and Microsoft Azure Blob service times go out of sync. The default value of 'RetentionPeriodInHours' is 1 hour. For more information, see the Enterprise Vault Registry Values Guide.