NetBackup 8.1.2 Application Guide
- Product overview
- Geting started
- Creating NetBackup application instances
- Managing NetBackup application instances
- Accessing NetBackup master and media server instances for management tasks
- Managing users on a master or media server instance
- Running NetBackup commands on a master or media server application instance
Operational notes
This topic explains important aspects of the NetBackup 8.1.2 application that may not be documented elsewhere in the documentation.
The following list contains the notes and the known issues that apply for this release:
When you create a new application instance, the Application instances section of the System topology page may show the instance status as Partially Deleted while the creation is in progress. The Partially Deleted status displays in error and can be safely ignored. You can track the instance creation progress from the Activity Monitor, and the instance status changes to Online when the instance creation has completed successfully.
When you create a NetBackup media server instance, the Flex Appliance Console does not prevent entering the same hostname in both the Hostname for NetBackup Media Server and the Master server hostname fields, but that configuration is not supported. You must have a preexisting master server with a different hostname.
When you create an instance, if you enter the IP address before you select a network interface, the IP address field displays the following error message:
"IP address does not belong to the selected network's netmask."
This message still displays after you select the network interface that corresponds to the IP address. To clear the message, click inside the IP address field and then click or tab outside of it.
When you create a media server instance with MSDP storage, you must tune the NetBackup parameters after you create the storage servers, and you may need to resize the MSDP storage partition. Make sure that you follow all of the steps that are listed in this document for creating a media server instance.