NetBackup 8.1.2 Application Guide
- Product overview
- Geting started
- Creating NetBackup application instances
- Managing NetBackup application instances
- Accessing NetBackup master and media server instances for management tasks
- Managing users on a master or media server instance
- Running NetBackup commands on a master or media server application instance
Installing the NetBackup Administration Console and client packages
To create and manage NetBackup instances, you need access to the NetBackup Administration Console or the NetBackup Remote Administration Console. Use the NetBackup Remote Administration Console if you want to manage your instances from a computer that does not have NetBackup software installed.
You also need access to the NetBackup client software so that you can install it on the computers that you want to back up.
The NetBackup Administration Console and the NetBackup client packages are included with the Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) images for NetBackup product installation. You can download the NetBackup ESD images from the Downloads page on the Veritas Support website.
For more information about the interfaces or installing the client software, refer to the NetBackup Installation Guide, which is accessible from the NetBackup page on the Support website.