NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- Section I. Managing security
- Monitoring and notifications
- Managing role-based access control
- Configuring RBAC
- Role permissions
- Global > NetBackup management
- Global > Security
- Global > Storage
- Global > NetBackup management
- Manage access
- Configure an external certificate for the NetBackup web server
- Security events and audit logs
- Managing security certificates
- Managing user sessions
- Managing master server security settings
- About trusted master servers
- Creating and using API keys
- Configuring authentication options
- Managing hosts
- Troubleshooting the web UI
- Section II. Managing storage and backups
- Configuring storage
- Managing protection plans
- Managing protection plans for Microsoft SQL Server
- Usage reporting and capacity licensing
- Configuring storage
- Section III. Veritas Resiliency Platform
- Section IV. Managing credentials
Manage an IDP configuration
You can manage the identity provider (IDP) configurations on the NetBackup master server by using the enable (-e true), update (-uc), disable (-e false). and delete (-dc) options of the nbidpcmd command.
By default, an IDP configuration is not enabled in the product environment. If you did not enable the IDP when you added it, you can use the -uc -e true options to update and enable the IDP configuration.
To enable an IDP configuration
- Log on to the master server as root or administrator.
- Run the following command:
nbidpcmd -uc -n IDP configuration name -e true
Where IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.
Even though you can configure multiple IDPs on a NetBackup master server, only one IDP can be enabled at a time.
You can update the XML metadata file associated with an IDP configuration.
To update the IDP XML metadata file in an IDP configuration
- Log on to the master server as root or administrator.
- Run the following command:
nbidpcmd -uc -n IDP configuration name -mxp IDP XML metadata file
Replace the variables as described below:
IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.
IDP XML metadata file is the path to the XML metadata file, which contains the configuration details of the IDP in Base64URL-encoded format.
If you want to update the IDP user or IDP user group values in an IDP configuration, you must first delete the configuration. The Single Sign-On (SSO) option is not available for users until you re-add the configuration with the updated IDP user or IDP user group values.
To update IDP user or IDP user group in an IDP configuration
- Log on to the master server as root or administrator.
- Delete the IDP configuration.
nbidpcmd -dc -n IDP configuration name
Where IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.
- To add and enable the configuration again, run the following command:
nbidpcmd -ac -n IDP configuration name -mxp IDP XML metadata file [-t SAML2] [-e true | false] [-u IDP user] [-g IDP user group field] [-M Master Server
Replace the variables as described below:
IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.
IDP XML metadata file is the path to the XML metadata file, which contains the configuration details of the IDP in Base64URL-encoded format.
-e true | false enables or disables the IDP configuration. An IDP must be available and enabled otherwise users cannot sign in with the Single Sign-On (SSO) option. Even though you can add multiple IDP configurations on a NetBackup master server, only one IDP configuration can be enabled at a time.
IDP user field and IDP user group field are the SAML attribute names, which are mapped to the userPrincipalName and the memberOf attributes in the AD or LDAP.
Ensure that the SAML attribute names are defined in the format of username@domainname and (CN=group name, DC=domainname) respectively.
Master Server is the host name or IP address of the master server to which you want to add or modify the IDP configuration. The NetBackup master server where you run the command is selected by default.
If an IDP configuration is disabled in the product environment, the Single Sign-On (SSO) option of that IDP is not available for users when they sign in.
To disable an IDP configuration
- Log on to the master server as root or administrator.
- Run the following command:
nbidpcmd -uc -n IDP configuration name -e false
Where IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.
If an IDP configuration is deleted, the Single Sign-On (SSO) option of that IDP is not available for users when they sign in.
To delete an IDP configuration
- Log on to the master server as root or administrator.
- Run the following command:
nbidpcmd -dc -n IDP configuration name
Where IDP configuration name is a unique name provided to the IDP configuration.