| NetBackup™ Web UI Security Administrator's Guide | Veritas™

NetBackup™ Web UI Security Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2)
  1. Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
      About the NetBackup web user interface
      First-time sign in to a NetBackup master server from the NetBackup web UI
      Sign in to the NetBackup web UI
      Authorized users
      The NetBackup dashboard
  2. Managing role-based access control
      About role-based access control (RBAC) in NetBackup
      NetBackup default RBAC roles
      Configuring RBAC
      Add a custom role
      Edit or delete a custom role
      About object groups
    7. Steps to create an object group
        Selecting the assets for an object group
        Selecting application servers for an object group
        Selecting protection plans for an object group
        Preview the objects in an object group
      Edit or delete an object group
      Add access for a user through access rules
      Edit or remove user access rules
  3. Adding AD or LDAP domains
      Add AD or LDAP domains
  4. Security events and audit logs
      View security events and audit logs
    2. About NetBackup auditing
        User identity in the audit report
        Audit retention period and catalog backups of audit records
        Viewing the detailed NetBackup audit report
  5. Managing hosts
      View NetBackup host information
      Approve or add mappings for a host that has multiple host names
      Remove mappings for a host that has multiple host names
      Reset a host's attributes
  6. Managing security certificates
      About security management and certificates in NetBackup
      NetBackup host IDs and host ID-based certificates
    3. Managing NetBackup security certificates
        Reissue a NetBackup certificate
        Managing NetBackup certificate authorization tokens
    4. Using external security certificates with NetBackup
        View external certificate information for the NetBackup hosts in the domain
  7. Managing user sessions
      Display a message to users when they sign in
      Enable maximum sign-in attempts and idle time-out settings for user sessions
      Sign out a NetBackup user session
      Unlock a NetBackup user
  8. Managing master server security settings
      Certificate authority for secure communication
      Disable communication with NetBackup 8.0 and earlier hosts
      Disable automatic mapping of NetBackup host names
      About NetBackup certificate deployment security levels
      Select a security level for NetBackup certificate deployment
      Set a passphrase for disaster recovery
  9. Creating and using API keys
      About API keys
      Manage API keys
      Use an API key with NetBackup REST APIs
      View API keys
  10. Configuring smart card authentication
      Configure user authentication with smart cards or digital certificates
      Edit the configuration for smart card authentication
      Add or delete a CA certificate that is used for smart card authentication
      Disable or temporarily disable smart card authentication
  11. Troubleshooting access to the web UI
      Tips for accessing the NetBackup web UI
      If a user doesn't have the correct permissions or access in the NetBackup web UI
    3. Unable to add AD or LDAP domains with the vssat command
        Connection cannot be established with the AD or the LDAP server
        User credentials are not valid
        An incorrect user base DN or group base DN was provided
        Multiple users or groups exist with the same name under user base DN or group base DN
        User or group does not exist

About the NetBackup web user interface

The NetBackup web user interface provides the following features:

  • Ability to access the master server from a web browser, including Chrome and Firefox.

    For details on supported browsers for the web UI, see the NetBackup Software Compatibility List.

  • A dashboard that displays a quick overview of the information that is important to you.

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) that lets the administrator configure user access to NetBackup and to delegate the tasks that are related to security, backup management, or workload protection.

  • NetBackup security administrators can manage NetBackup security, certificates, RBAC, API keys, user sessions, and locked NetBackup user accounts.

  • Backup administrators provide protection services to satisfy their service level objectives (SLOs). Protection of assets is achieved through protection plans, job management, and visibility of the protection status of assets.

  • Workload administrators can subscribe assets to the protection plans that meet the SLO, monitor protection status, and perform self-service recovery of virtual machines. The web UI supports the following workloads:

    • Cloud

    • Red Hat Virtualization (RHV)

    • VMware

  • Usage reporting tracks the size of backup data on your master servers. You can also easily connect to Veritas Smart Meter to view and manage NetBackup licensing.

Access control in the NetBackup web UI

NetBackup uses role-based access control to grant access to the web UI. This access control includes the tasks a user can perform and the assets the user can view and manage. Access control is accomplished through access rules.

  • Access rules associate a user or a user group with a role and an object group. The role defines the permissions a user has. An object group defines the assets and NetBackup objects a user can access. Multiple access rules can be created for a single user or group, allowing for full and flexible customization of user access.

  • NetBackup comes with three default roles. Choose the role that best fits a user's needs or create a custom role to meet the requirements for that user.

  • Use object groups to define groups of assets or application servers or to indicate the protection plans that users can view or manage. For example, you can grant access for VMware administrators by creating an object group with specific VMware application servers. Also add to the object group the specific protection plans that the VMware administrator can choose to protect VMware assets.

  • RBAC is only available for the web UI and the APIs.

    Other access control methods for NetBackup are not supported for the web UI and APIs, with the exception of Enhanced Auditing (EA). You cannot use the web UI if you have NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) enabled.

Monitor NetBackup jobs and events

The NetBackup web UI lets the security and the backup administrators more easily monitor NetBackup operations and events and identify any issues that need attention.

  • For a NetBackup security administrator, the dashboard lets the administrator see the status of security certificates and of audit events.

  • For a backup administrator, the dashboard allows the administrator to see the status of NetBackup jobs. Email notifications can also be configured so they receive notifications when job failures occur. NetBackup supports any ticketing system that can receive inbound email.

Protection plans: One place to configure schedules, storage, and storage options

Protection plans offer the following benefits:

  • In addition to schedules for backups, a protection plan can also include a schedule for replication and long-term retention.

  • You can easily choose either on-premises or snapshot storage.

  • When you select from your available storage, you can see any additional features available for that storage.

  • The backup administrator creates and manages protection plans and is therefore responsible for backup schedules and storage.

  • The workload administrator primarily selects the protection plans to use to protect assets or intelligent groups. However, the backup administrator can also subscribe assets to protection plans if needed.

Self-service recovery